 * argv.h
\ingroup lub
\defgroup lub_argv argv

\brief This utility provides a simple means of manipulating a vector of 
command textual words.

A word is either separated by whitespace, or if quotes are used a word is
defined by the scope of the quotes.

one two "this is the third word" four
contains four "words" the third of which is a string.

#ifndef _lub_argv_h
#define _lub_argv_h

#include <stddef.h>

#include "c_decl.h"
#include "types.h"


 * This type is used to reference an instance of an argument vector
typedef struct lub_argv_s lub_argv_t;

 *===================================== */
 * \pre
 * - none
 * \return
 * The number of space separated words in the specified string.
 * \post
 * - none
         * The string to analyse
        const char *line
 *  This operation is used to construct an instance of this class. The client
 * species a string and an offset within that string, from which to start 
 * collecting "words" to place into the vector instance.
 * \pre
 * - none
 * \return
 * - A instance of an argument vector, which represents the words contained in
 * the provided string. 
 * - NULL if there is insuffcient resource
 * \post
 * - The client becomes resposible for releasing the instance when they are
 *   finished with it, by calling lub_argv_delete()
lub_argv_t *
         * The string to analyse
        const char *line,
         * The offset in the string to start from
        size_t offset
    lub_argv_delete(lub_argv_t *instance);
    lub_argv__get_count(const lub_argv_t *instance);
const char *
    lub_argv__get_arg(const lub_argv_t *instance,
                      unsigned          index);
    lub_argv__get_offset(const lub_argv_t *instance,
                         unsigned          index);
    lub_argv__get_quoted(const lub_argv_t *instance,
                         unsigned          index);
    lub_argv__set_arg(lub_argv_t *instance,
                      unsigned    index,
                      const char *arg);
char **
    lub_argv__get_argv(const lub_argv_t *instance, char *argv0);
const char *
    lub_argv__get_line(const lub_argv_t *instance);


#endif /* _lub_argv_h */
/** @} lub_argv */