/* bit_array.h project: bit array C library url: https://github.com/noporpoise/BitArray/ maintainer: Isaac Turner license: Public Domain, no warranty date: Sep 2014 */ #ifndef BIT_ARRAY_HEADER_SEEN #define BIT_ARRAY_HEADER_SEEN #include #include #include "bit_macros.h" typedef struct BIT_ARRAY BIT_ARRAY; // 64 bit words typedef uint64_t word_t, word_addr_t, bit_index_t; typedef uint8_t word_offset_t; // Offset within a 64 bit word #define BIT_INDEX_MIN 0 #define BIT_INDEX_MAX (~(bit_index_t)0) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // // Structs // struct BIT_ARRAY { word_t* words; bit_index_t num_of_bits; // Number of words used -- this is just round_up(num_of_bits / 64) // if num_of_bits == 0, this is 0 word_addr_t num_of_words; // For more efficient allocation we use realloc only to double size -- // not for adding every word. Initial size is INIT_CAPACITY_WORDS. word_addr_t capacity_in_words; }; // // Basics: Constructor, destructor, get length, resize // // Constructor - create a new bit array of length nbits BIT_ARRAY* bit_array_create(bit_index_t nbits); // Destructor - free the memory used for a bit array void bit_array_free(BIT_ARRAY* bitarray); // Allocate using existing struct BIT_ARRAY* bit_array_alloc(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t nbits); void bit_array_dealloc(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // Get length of bit array bit_index_t bit_array_length(const BIT_ARRAY* bit_arr); // Change the size of a bit array. Enlarging an array will add zeros // to the end of it. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (e.g. not enough memory) char bit_array_resize(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t new_num_of_bits); // If bitarr length < num_bits, resizes to num_bits char bit_array_ensure_size(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t ensure_num_of_bits); // Same as above but exit with an error message if out of memory void bit_array_resize_critical(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t num_of_bits); void bit_array_ensure_size_critical(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t num_of_bits); // // Macros // // // Get, set, clear, assign and toggle individual bits // Macros for fast access -- beware: no bounds checking // #define bit_array_get(arr,i) bitset_get((arr)->words, i) #define bit_array_set(arr,i) bitset_set((arr)->words, i) #define bit_array_clear(arr,i) bitset_del((arr)->words, i) #define bit_array_toggle(arr,i) bitset_tgl((arr)->words, i) // c must be 0 or 1 #define bit_array_assign(arr,i,c) bitset_cpy((arr)->words,i,c) // // Get, set, clear, assign and toggle individual bits // "Safe": use assert() to check bounds // // Get the value of a bit (returns 0 or 1) char bit_array_get_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b); void bit_array_set_bit(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b); void bit_array_clear_bit(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b); void bit_array_toggle_bit(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b); // If char c != 0, set bit; otherwise clear bit void bit_array_assign_bit(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b, char c); // // "Resizing": enlarge array if needed // char bit_array_rget(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b); void bit_array_rset(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b); void bit_array_rclear(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b); void bit_array_rtoggle(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b); void bit_array_rassign(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t b, char c); // // Set, clear and toggle several bits at once // // Set multiple bits at once. // e.g. set bits 1, 20 & 31: bit_array_set_bits(bitarr, 3, 1,20,31); // Note: variable args are of type unsigned int void bit_array_set_bits(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, size_t n, ...); // Clear multiple bits at once. // e.g. clear bits 1, 20 & 31: bit_array_clear_bits(bitarr, 3, 1,20,31); // Note: variable args are of type unsigned int void bit_array_clear_bits(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, size_t n, ...); // Toggle multiple bits at once // e.g. toggle bits 1, 20 & 31: bit_array_toggle_bits(bitarr, 3, 1,20,31); // Note: variable args are of type unsigned int void bit_array_toggle_bits(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, size_t n, ...); // // Set, clear and toggle all bits in a region // // Set all the bits in a region void bit_array_set_region(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, bit_index_t len); // Clear all the bits in a region void bit_array_clear_region(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, bit_index_t len); // Toggle all the bits in a region void bit_array_toggle_region(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, bit_index_t len); // // Set, clear and toggle all bits at once // // Set all bits in this array to 1 void bit_array_set_all(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // Set all bits in this array to 0 void bit_array_clear_all(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // Set all 1 bits to 0, and all 0 bits to 1 void bit_array_toggle_all(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // // Get / set a word of a given size // // First bit is in the least significant bit position // start index must be within the range of the bit array (0 <= x < length) uint64_t bit_array_get_word64(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start); uint32_t bit_array_get_word32(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start); uint16_t bit_array_get_word16(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start); uint8_t bit_array_get_word8(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start); uint64_t bit_array_get_wordn(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, int n); // Set 64 bits at once from a particular start position void bit_array_set_word64(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, uint64_t word); void bit_array_set_word32(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, uint32_t word); void bit_array_set_word16(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, uint16_t word); void bit_array_set_word8(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, uint8_t byte); void bit_array_set_wordn(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, uint64_t word, int n); // // Number of bits set // // Get the number of bits set (hamming weight) bit_index_t bit_array_num_bits_set(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // Get the number of bits not set (length - hamming weight) bit_index_t bit_array_num_bits_cleared(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // Get the number of bits set in on array and not the other. This is equivalent // to hamming weight of the XOR when the two arrays are the same length. // e.g. 10101 vs 00111 => hamming distance 2 (XOR is 10010) bit_index_t bit_array_hamming_distance(const BIT_ARRAY* arr1, const BIT_ARRAY* arr2); // Parity - returns 1 if odd number of bits set, 0 if even char bit_array_parity(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // // Find indices of set/clear bits // // Find the index of the next bit that is set, at or after `offset` // Returns 1 if a bit is set, otherwise 0 // Index of next set bit is stored in the integer pointed to by result // If no next bit is set result is not changed char bit_array_find_next_set_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t offset, bit_index_t* result); // Find the index of the next bit that is NOT set, at or after `offset` // Returns 1 if a bit is NOT set, otherwise 0 // Index of next zero bit is stored in the integer pointed to by `result` // If no next bit is zero, value at `result` is not changed char bit_array_find_next_clear_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t offset, bit_index_t* result); // Find the index of the previous bit that is set, before offset. // Returns 1 if a bit is set, otherwise 0 // Index of previous set bit is stored in the integer pointed to by `result` // If no previous bit is set result is not changed char bit_array_find_prev_set_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t offset, bit_index_t* result); // Find the index of the previous bit that is NOT set, before offset. // Returns 1 if a bit is clear, otherwise 0 // Index of previous zero bit is stored in the integer pointed to by `result` // If no previous bit is zero result is not changed char bit_array_find_prev_clear_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t offset, bit_index_t* result); // Find the index of the first bit that is set. // Returns 1 if a bit is set, otherwise 0 // Index of first set bit is stored in the integer pointed to by `result` // If no bit is set result is not changed char bit_array_find_first_set_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t* result); // Find the index of the first bit that is NOT set. // Returns 1 if a bit is clear, otherwise 0 // Index of first zero bit is stored in the integer pointed to by `result` // If no bit is zero result is not changed char bit_array_find_first_clear_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t* result); // Find the index of the last bit that is set. // Returns 1 if a bit is set, otherwise 0 // Index of last set bit is stored in the integer pointed to by `result` // If no bit is set result is not changed char bit_array_find_last_set_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t* result); // Find the index of the last bit that is NOT set. // Returns 1 if a bit is clear, otherwise 0 // Index of last zero bit is stored in the integer pointed to by `result` // If no bit is zero result is not changed char bit_array_find_last_clear_bit(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t* result); // // Sorting // // Put all the 0s before all the 1s void bit_array_sort_bits(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // Put all the 1s before all the 0s void bit_array_sort_bits_rev(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // // String and printing methods // // Construct a BIT_ARRAY from a string. void bit_array_from_str(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, const char* bitstr); // Construct a BIT_ARRAY from a substring with given on and off characters. void bit_array_from_substr(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t offset, const char* str, size_t len, const char *on, const char *off, char left_to_right); // Takes a char array to write to. `str` must be bitarr->num_of_bits+1 in // length. Terminates string with '\0' char* bit_array_to_str(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, char* str); char* bit_array_to_str_rev(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, char* str); // Get a string representations for a given region, using given on/off // characters. // Note: does not null-terminate void bit_array_to_substr(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, bit_index_t length, char* str, char on, char off, char left_to_right); // Print this array to a file stream. Prints '0's and '1'. Doesn't print // newline. void bit_array_print(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, FILE* fout); // Print a string representations for a given region, using given on/off // characters. Reverse prints from highest to lowest -- this is useful for // printing binary numbers void bit_array_print_substr(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, bit_index_t length, FILE* fout, char on, char off, char left_to_right); // // Decimal // // Get bit array as decimal str (e.g. 0b1101 -> "13") size_t bit_array_to_decimal(const BIT_ARRAY *bitarr, char *str, size_t len); // Return number of characters used size_t bit_array_from_decimal(BIT_ARRAY *bitarr, const char* decimal); // // Hexidecimal // // Loads array from hex string // Returns the number of bits loaded (will be chars rounded up to multiple of 8) // (0 on failure) bit_index_t bit_array_from_hex(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t offset, const char* str, size_t len); // Returns number of characters written size_t bit_array_to_hex(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, bit_index_t length, char* str, char uppercase); // Print bit array as hex size_t bit_array_print_hex(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, bit_index_t length, FILE* fout, char uppercase); // // Clone and copy // // Copy a BIT_ARRAY struct and the data it holds - returns pointer to new object #define bit_array_dup bit_array_clone BIT_ARRAY* bit_array_clone(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // Copy bits from one array to another // Note: use MACRO bit_array_copy // Destination and source can be the same bit_array and // src/dst regions can overlap void bit_array_copy(BIT_ARRAY* dst, bit_index_t dstindx, const BIT_ARRAY* src, bit_index_t srcindx, bit_index_t length); // copy all of src to dst. dst is resized to match src. void bit_array_copy_all(BIT_ARRAY* dst, const BIT_ARRAY* src); // // Logic operators // // BIT_ARRAYs can all be different or the same object // dest array will be resized if it is too short // void bit_array_and(BIT_ARRAY* dest, const BIT_ARRAY* src1, const BIT_ARRAY* src2); void bit_array_or (BIT_ARRAY* dest, const BIT_ARRAY* src1, const BIT_ARRAY* src2); void bit_array_xor(BIT_ARRAY* dest, const BIT_ARRAY* src1, const BIT_ARRAY* src2); void bit_array_not(BIT_ARRAY* dest, const BIT_ARRAY* src); // // Comparisons // // Note: (bit_array_cmp(a,b) == 0) <=> (bit_array_cmp_big_endian(a,b) == 0) // comparison functions return: // 1 iff bitarr1 > bitarr2 // 0 iff bitarr1 == bitarr2 // -1 iff bitarr1 < bitarr2 // Compare two bit arrays by value stored, with index 0 being the Least // Significant Bit (LSB). Arrays do not have to be the same length. // Example: ..0101 (5) > ...0011 (3) [index 0 is LSB at right hand side] int bit_array_cmp(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr1, const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr2); // Compare two bit arrays by value stored, with index 0 being the Most // Significant Bit (MSB). Arrays do not have to be the same length. // Example: 10.. > 01.. [index 0 is MSB at left hand side] int bit_array_cmp_big_endian(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr1, const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr2); // compare bitarr with (bitarr2 << pos) int bit_array_cmp_words(const BIT_ARRAY *bitarr, bit_index_t pos, const BIT_ARRAY *bitarr2); // // Shift, interleave, reverse // // Shift array left/right. If fill is zero, filled with 0, otherwise 1 void bit_array_shift_right(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t shift_dist, char fill); void bit_array_shift_left (BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t shift_dist, char fill); // shift left without losing any bits. Resizes bitarr. void bit_array_shift_left_extend(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t shift_dist, char fill); // Cyclic shift void bit_array_cycle_right(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t dist); void bit_array_cycle_left (BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t dist); // Interleave // dst cannot point to the same bit array as src1 or src2 // src1, src2 may point to the same bit array // abcd 1234 -> a1b2c3d4 // 0011 0000 -> 00001010 // 1111 0000 -> 10101010 // 0101 1010 -> 01100110 // Extends dst if it is too short, but does not shrink it if it is too long // if dst is longer than length(src1)+length(src2), the end bits are not altered void bit_array_interleave(BIT_ARRAY* dst, const BIT_ARRAY* src1, const BIT_ARRAY* src2); // Reverse the whole array or part of it void bit_array_reverse(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); void bit_array_reverse_region(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t start, bit_index_t len); // // Numeric // // Returns 1 on sucess, 0 if value in array is too big char bit_array_as_num(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, uint64_t* result); // 1 iff bitarr > value // 0 iff bitarr == value // -1 iff bitarr < value int bit_array_cmp_uint64(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, uint64_t value); // // Arithmetic // // bitarr will be extended if needed void bit_array_add_uint64(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, uint64_t value); // Add `add` to `bitarr` at `pos` -- same as: // bitarr + (add << pos) // where pos can be bigger than the length of the array (bitarr will be resized) void bit_array_add_word(BIT_ARRAY *bitarr, bit_index_t pos, uint64_t add); // Add `add` to `bitarr` at `pos` void bit_array_add_words(BIT_ARRAY *bitarr, bit_index_t pos, const BIT_ARRAY *add); // If value is greater than bitarr, bitarr is not changed and 0 is returned // Returns 1 on success, 0 if value > bitarr char bit_array_sub_uint64(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, uint64_t value); // minus `minus` from `bitarr` at `pos` -- same as: // bitarr + (minus << pos) // Returns 1 on success, 0 if value > bitarr char bit_array_sub_word(BIT_ARRAY *bitarr, bit_index_t pos, word_t minus); // minus `minus` from `bitarr` at `pos` // Returns 1 on success, 0 if value > bitarr char bit_array_sub_words(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, bit_index_t pos, BIT_ARRAY* minus); // Multiply by some value void bit_array_mul_uint64(BIT_ARRAY *bitarr, uint64_t multiplier); // bitarr = round_down(bitarr / divisor) // rem = bitarr % divisor void bit_array_div_uint64(BIT_ARRAY *bitarr, uint64_t divisor, uint64_t *rem); // // Arithmetic between arrays // // dst = src1 + src2 // src1, src2 and dst can all be the same BIT_ARRAY // If dst is shorter than either of src1, src2, it is enlarged void bit_array_add(BIT_ARRAY* dst, const BIT_ARRAY* src1, const BIT_ARRAY* src2); // dst = src1 - src2 // src1, src2 and dst can all be the same BIT_ARRAY // If dst is shorter than src1, it will be extended to be as long as src1 // src1 must be greater than or equal to src2 (src1 >= src2) void bit_array_subtract(BIT_ARRAY* dst, const BIT_ARRAY* src1, const BIT_ARRAY* src2); // dst = src1 * src2 // Pointers cannot all point to the same BIT_ARRAY void bit_array_multiply(BIT_ARRAY *dst, BIT_ARRAY *src1, BIT_ARRAY *src2); // Results in: // quotient = dividend / divisor // dividend = dividend % divisor // (dividend is used to return the remainder) void bit_array_divide(BIT_ARRAY *dividend, BIT_ARRAY *quotient, BIT_ARRAY *divisor); // // Read/Write bit_array to a file // // File format is [8 bytes: for number of elements in array][data] // Number of bytes of data is: (int)((num_of_bits + 7) / 8) // // Saves bit array to a file // returns the number of bytes written bit_index_t bit_array_save(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, FILE* f); // Reads bit array from a file. bitarr is resized and filled. // Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure char bit_array_load(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, FILE* f); // // Hash function // // Pass seed as 0 on first call, pass previous hash value if rehashing due // to a collision // Using bob jenkins hash lookup3 uint64_t bit_array_hash(const BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, uint64_t seed); // // Randomness // // Set bits randomly with probability prob : 0 <= prob <= 1 void bit_array_random(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr, float prob); // Shuffle the bits in an array randomly void bit_array_shuffle(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // Get the next permutation of an array with a fixed size and given number of // bits set. Also known as next lexicographic permutation. // Given a bit array find the next lexicographic orginisation of the bits // Number of possible combinations given by (size choose bits_set) i.e. nCk // 00011 -> 00101 -> 00110 -> 01001 -> 01010 -> // 01100 -> 10001 -> 10010 -> 10100 -> 11000 -> 00011 (back to start) void bit_array_next_permutation(BIT_ARRAY* bitarr); // // Generally useful functions // // Generalised 'binary to string' function // Adds bits to the string in order of lsb to msb // e.g. 0b11010 (26 in decimal) would come out as "01011" char* bit_array_word2str(const void *ptr, size_t num_of_bits, char *str); // Same as above but in reverse char* bit_array_word2str_rev(const void *ptr, size_t num_of_bits, char *str); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif