@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
* shell_parse.c
-#include "private.h"
-#include "lub/string.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
+#include "lub/string.h"
+#include "lub/system.h"
+#include "private.h"
clish_pargv_status_t clish_shell_parse(
clish_shell_t *this, const char *line,
@@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ clish_pargv_status_t clish_shell_parse(
clish_pargv_status_t result = CLISH_BAD_CMD;
clish_context_t context;
const clish_command_t *cmd;
+ lub_argv_t *argv = NULL;
+ unsigned int idx;
*ret_cmd = cmd = clish_shell_resolve_command(this, line);
if (!cmd)
@@ -25,7 +29,13 @@ clish_pargv_status_t clish_shell_parse(
context.shell = this;
context.cmd = cmd;
context.pargv = *pargv;
- result = clish_pargv_analyze(*pargv, cmd, &context, line, 0);
+ idx = lub_argv_wordcount(clish_command__get_name(cmd));
+ argv = lub_argv_new(line, 0);
+ result = clish_shell_parse_pargv(*pargv, cmd, &context,
+ clish_command__get_paramv(cmd),
+ argv, &idx, NULL, 0);
+ lub_argv_delete(argv);
if (CLISH_LINE_OK != result) {
*pargv = NULL;
@@ -54,14 +64,268 @@ clish_pargv_status_t clish_shell_parse(
return result;
+clish_pargv_status_t clish_shell_parse_pargv(clish_pargv_t *pargv,
+ const clish_command_t *cmd,
+ void *context,
+ clish_paramv_t *paramv,
+ const lub_argv_t *argv,
+ unsigned *idx, clish_pargv_t *last, unsigned need_index)
+ unsigned argc = lub_argv__get_count(argv);
+ unsigned index = 0;
+ unsigned nopt_index = 0;
+ clish_param_t *nopt_param = NULL;
+ unsigned i;
+ clish_pargv_status_t retval;
+ unsigned paramc = clish_paramv__get_count(paramv);
+ int up_level = 0;
+ assert(pargv);
+ assert(cmd);
+ if (paramv == clish_command__get_paramv(cmd))
+ up_level = 1;
+ while (index < paramc) {
+ const char *arg = NULL;
+ clish_param_t *param = clish_paramv__get_param(paramv,index);
+ clish_param_t *cparam = NULL;
+ int is_switch = 0;
+ if (*idx < argc)
+ arg = lub_argv__get_arg(argv, *idx);
+ if (CLISH_PARAM_SWITCH == clish_param__get_mode(param))
+ is_switch = 1;
+ if (param) {
+ char *str = clish_shell_expand(clish_param__get_test(param), context);
+ if (str && !lub_system_line_test(str)) {
+ lub_string_free(str);
+ index++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ lub_string_free(str);
+ }
+ if (last && (*idx == need_index) &&
+ (NULL == clish_pargv_find_arg(pargv, clish_param__get_name(param)))) {
+ if (is_switch) {
+ unsigned rec_paramc = clish_param__get_param_count(param);
+ for (i = 0; i < rec_paramc; i++) {
+ cparam = clish_param__get_param(param, i);
+ if (!cparam)
+ break;
+ clish_param__get_mode(cparam)) {
+ const char *pname =
+ clish_param__get_value(cparam);
+ if (!arg || (arg &&
+ (pname == lub_string_nocasestr(pname,
+ arg))))
+ clish_pargv_insert(last,
+ cparam, arg);
+ } else {
+ clish_pargv_insert(last,
+ cparam, arg);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ clish_param__get_mode(param)) {
+ const char *pname =
+ clish_param__get_value(param);
+ if (!arg || (arg &&
+ (pname == lub_string_nocasestr(pname, arg))))
+ clish_pargv_insert(last, param, arg);
+ } else {
+ clish_pargv_insert(last, param, arg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (param) {
+ char *validated = NULL;
+ clish_paramv_t *rec_paramv =
+ clish_param__get_paramv(param);
+ unsigned rec_paramc =
+ clish_param__get_param_count(param);
+ * to restore index if the optional parameters
+ * will be used.
+ */
+ if (BOOL_TRUE != clish_param__get_optional(param)) {
+ nopt_param = param;
+ nopt_index = index;
+ }
+ if (NULL != clish_pargv_find_arg(pargv, clish_param__get_name(param))) {
+ validated = NULL;
+ } else if (is_switch) {
+ for (i = 0; i < rec_paramc; i++) {
+ cparam =
+ clish_param__get_param(param, i);
+ if (!cparam)
+ break;
+ if ((validated =
+ arg ? clish_param_validate(cparam,
+ arg) :
+ NULL)) {
+ rec_paramv =
+ clish_param__get_paramv
+ (cparam);
+ rec_paramc =
+ clish_param__get_param_count
+ (cparam);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ validated =
+ arg ? clish_param_validate(param,
+ arg) : NULL;
+ }
+ if (validated) {
+ if (is_switch) {
+ clish_pargv_insert(pargv, param,
+ clish_param__get_name(cparam));
+ clish_pargv_insert(pargv, cparam,
+ validated);
+ } else {
+ clish_pargv_insert(pargv, param,
+ validated);
+ }
+ lub_string_free(validated);
+ unfinished optional argument.
+ */
+ if (!(clish_param__get_optional(param) &&
+ (*idx == need_index) &&
+ (need_index == (argc - 1))))
+ (*idx)++;
+ if (rec_paramc) {
+ retval = clish_shell_parse_pargv(pargv, cmd,
+ context, rec_paramv,
+ argv, idx, last, need_index);
+ if (CLISH_LINE_OK != retval)
+ return retval;
+ }
+ if (BOOL_TRUE == clish_param__get_optional(param)) {
+ if (nopt_param)
+ index = nopt_index + 1;
+ else
+ index = 0;
+ } else {
+ index++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ * is not validated.
+ */
+ if (BOOL_TRUE ==
+ clish_param__get_optional(param))
+ index++;
+ else {
+ if (!arg)
+ break;
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if ((*idx >= argc) && (index < paramc)) {
+ unsigned j = index;
+ const clish_param_t *param;
+ while (j < paramc) {
+ param = clish_paramv__get_param(paramv, j++);
+ if (BOOL_TRUE != clish_param__get_optional(param))
+ }
+ }
+ * params than it's a args. So generate the args entry
+ * in the list of completions.
+ */
+ if (last && up_level &&
+ clish_command__get_args(cmd) &&
+ (clish_pargv__get_count(last) == 0) &&
+ (*idx <= argc) && (index >= paramc)) {
+ clish_pargv_insert(last, clish_command__get_args(cmd), "");
+ }
+ * if we've satisfied all the parameters we can now construct
+ * an 'args' parameter if one exists
+ */
+ if (up_level && (*idx < argc) && (index >= paramc)) {
+ const char *arg = lub_argv__get_arg(argv, *idx);
+ const clish_param_t *param = clish_command__get_args(cmd);
+ char *args = NULL;
+ if (!param)
+ return CLISH_BAD_CMD;
+ * put all the argument into a single string
+ */
+ while (NULL != arg) {
+ bool_t quoted = lub_argv__get_quoted(argv, *idx);
+ if (BOOL_TRUE == quoted) {
+ lub_string_cat(&args, "\"");
+ }
+ lub_string_cat(&args, arg);
+ if (BOOL_TRUE == quoted) {
+ lub_string_cat(&args, "\"");
+ }
+ (*idx)++;
+ arg = lub_argv__get_arg(argv, *idx);
+ if (NULL != arg) {
+ lub_string_cat(&args, " ");
+ }
+ }
+ clish_pargv_insert(pargv, param, args);
+ lub_string_free(args);
+ }
+ return CLISH_LINE_OK;
-clish_shell_state_t clish_shell__get_state(const clish_shell_t * this)
+clish_shell_state_t clish_shell__get_state(const clish_shell_t *this)
return this->state;
-void clish_shell__set_state(clish_shell_t * this,
+void clish_shell__set_state(clish_shell_t *this,
clish_shell_state_t state)