/** @file list.c * @brief Implementation of a bidirectional list. * * Bidirectional List stores special structures (nodes) as its elements. * Nodes are linked to each other. Node stores abstract user data (i.e. void *). * * List can be sorted or unsorted. To sort list user provides special callback * function to compare two nodes. The list will be sorted * due to this function return value that indicates "less than", * "equal", "greater than". Additionally user may provide another callback * function to free user defined data on list freeing. */ #include #include #include #include "private.h" #include "faux/list.h" /** @brief Allocates and initializes new list node instance. * * @param [in] data User defined data to store within node. * @return Newly created list node instance or NULL on error. */ static faux_list_node_t *faux_list_new_node(void *data) { faux_list_node_t *node = NULL; node = malloc(sizeof(*node)); assert(node); if (!node) return NULL; // Initialize node->prev = NULL; node->next = NULL; node->data = data; return node; } /** @brief Free list node instance. * * @param [in] node List node instance. */ static void faux_list_free_node(faux_list_node_t *node) { assert(node); if (node) free(node); } /** @brief Gets previous list node. * * @param [in] this List node instance. * @return List node previous in list. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_prev_node(const faux_list_node_t *node) { assert(node); if (!node) return NULL; return node->prev; } /** @brief Gets next list node. * * @param [in] this List node instance. * @return List node next in list. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_next_node(const faux_list_node_t *node) { assert(node); if (!node) return NULL; return node->next; } /** @brief Gets user data from list node. * * @param [in] this List node instance. * @return User data stored within specified list node. */ void *faux_list_data(const faux_list_node_t *node) { assert(node); if (!node) return NULL; return node->data; } /** @brief Iterate through each list node. * * On each call to this function the iterator will change its value. * Before function using the iterator must be initialised by list head node. * * @param [in,out] iter List node ptr used as an iterator. * @return List node or NULL if list elements are over. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_each_node(faux_list_node_t **iter) { faux_list_node_t *current_node = *iter; if (!current_node) return NULL; *iter = faux_list_next_node(current_node); return current_node; } /** @brief Iterate through each list node and returns user data. * * On each call to this function the iterator will change its value. * Before function using the iterator must be initialised by list head node. * * @param [in,out] iter List node ptr used as an iterator. * @return User data or NULL if list elements are over. */ void *faux_list_each(faux_list_node_t **iter) { faux_list_node_t *current_node = NULL; if (!*iter) return NULL; current_node = faux_list_each_node(iter); return faux_list_data(current_node); } /** @brief Allocate and initialize bidirectional list. * * @param [in] compareFn Callback function to compare two user data instances * to sort list. * @param [in] freeFn Callback function to free user data. * @return Newly created bidirectional list or NULL on error. */ faux_list_t *faux_list_new(faux_list_compare_fn compareFn, faux_list_free_fn freeFn) { faux_list_t *list; list = malloc(sizeof(*list)); assert(list); if (!list) return NULL; // Initialize list->head = NULL; list->tail = NULL; list->compareFn = compareFn; list->freeFn = freeFn; list->len = 0; return list; } /** @brief Free bidirectional list * * Free all nodes and user data from list and finally * free the list itself. It uses special callback * function specified by user (while faux_list_new()) to free the abstract * user data. * * @param [in] list List to free. */ void faux_list_free(faux_list_t *list) { faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; assert(list); if (!list) return; while ((iter = faux_list_head(list))) { faux_list_del(list, iter); } free(list); } /** @brief Gets head of list. * * @param [in] list List. * @return List node first in list. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_head(const faux_list_t *list) { assert(list); if (!list) return NULL; return list->head; } /** @brief Gets tail of list. * * @param [in] list List. * @return List node last in list. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_tail(const faux_list_t *list) { assert(list); if (!list) return NULL; return list->tail; } /** @brief Gets current length of list. * * @param [in] list List. * @return Current length of list. */ size_t faux_list_len(const faux_list_t *list) { assert(list); if (!list) return 0; return list->len; } /** @brief Generic static function for adding new list nodes. * * @param [in] list List to add node to. * @param [in] data User data for new list node. * @param [in] uniq - true/false Don't add entry with identical order * key (when the compareFn() returns 0) * @param [in] find - true/false Function returns list node if there is * identical entry. Or NULL if find is false. * @return Newly added list node. */ static faux_list_node_t *faux_list_add_generic(faux_list_t *list, void *data, bool_t uniq, bool_t find) { faux_list_node_t *node = NULL; faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; assert(list); assert(data); if (!list || !data) return NULL; node = faux_list_new_node(data); if (!node) return NULL; // Empty list. if (!list->head) { list->head = node; list->tail = node; list->len++; return node; } // Not sorted list. Add to the tail. if (!list->compareFn) { node->prev = list->tail; node->next = NULL; list->tail->next = node; list->tail = node; list->len++; return node; } // Sorted list. iter = list->tail; while (iter) { int res = list->compareFn(node->data, iter->data); if (uniq && (res == 0)) { faux_list_free_node(node); return (find ? iter : NULL); } if (res >= 0) { node->next = iter->next; node->prev = iter; iter->next = node; if (node->next) node->next->prev = node; break; } iter = iter->prev; } // Insert node into the list head if (!iter) { node->next = list->head; node->prev = NULL; list->head->prev = node; list->head = node; } if (!node->next) list->tail = node; list->len++; return node; } /** @brief Adds user data (not unique) to the list. * * The user data is not unique. It means that two equal user data instances * can be added to the list. * * @param [in] list List to add entry to. * @param [in] data User data. * @return Newly created list node or NULL on error. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_add(faux_list_t *list, void *data) { return faux_list_add_generic(list, data, BOOL_FALSE, BOOL_FALSE); } /** @brief Adds user data (unique) to the list. * * The user data must be unique. It means that two equal user data instances * can not be added to the list. Function will return NULL if equal user * data is already in the list. * * @param [in] list List to add entry to. * @param [in] data User data. * @return Newly created list node or NULL on error. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_add_uniq(faux_list_t *list, void *data) { return faux_list_add_generic(list, data, BOOL_TRUE, BOOL_FALSE); } /** @brief Adds user data (unique) to the list or return equal existent node. * * The user data must be unique in this case. Function compares list nodes * with the new one. If equal node is already in the list then function * returns this node. Else new unique node will be added to the list. * * @param [in] list List to add entry to. * @param [in] data User data. * @return Newly created list node, existent equal node or NULL on error. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_find_add(faux_list_t *list, void *data) { return faux_list_add_generic(list, data, BOOL_TRUE, BOOL_TRUE); } /** Takes away list node from the list. * * Function removes list node from the list and returns user data * stored in this node. * * @param [in] list List to take away node from. * @param [in] node List node to take away. * @return User data from removed node or NULL on error. */ void *faux_list_takeaway(faux_list_t *list, faux_list_node_t *node) { void *data = NULL; assert(list); assert(node); if (!list || !node) return NULL; if (node->prev) node->prev->next = node->next; else list->head = node->next; if (node->next) node->next->prev = node->prev; else list->tail = node->prev; list->len--; data = faux_list_data(node); faux_list_free_node(node); return data; } /** @brief Deletes list node from the list. * * Functions removes node from the list and free user data memory if * freeFn callback was defined while list creation. If freeFn callback * is not defined then function is the same as faux_list_takeaway(). * * @param [in] list List to delete node from. * @param [in] node List node to delete. * @return 0 on success, < 0 on error. */ int faux_list_del(faux_list_t *list, faux_list_node_t *node) { void *data = NULL; assert(list); assert(node); if (!list || !node) return -1; data = faux_list_takeaway(list, node); assert(data); if (!data) // Illegal case return -1; if (list->freeFn) list->freeFn(data); return 0; } /** @brief Search list for matching (match function). * * Function iterates through the list and executes special matching user defined * callback function matchFn for every list node. User can provide "userkey" - * the data that matchFn can use how it wants. The matchFn is arbitrary * argument. The userkey argument can be NULL. The function will immediately * return matched list node. To continue searching the saveptr argument contains * current iterator. So user can call to faux_list_match_node() for several * times and gets all matched nodes from list. * * @param [in] list List. * @param [in] matchFn User defined matching callback function. * @param [in] userkey User defined data to use in matchFn function. * @param [in,out] saveptr Ptr to save iterator. * @return Matched list node. */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_match_node(const faux_list_t *list, faux_list_match_fn matchFn, const void *userkey, faux_list_node_t **saveptr) { faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; assert(list); assert(matchFn); if (!list || !matchFn || !list->head) return NULL; if (saveptr) iter = *saveptr; if (!iter) iter = list->head; while (iter) { int res; faux_list_node_t *node = iter; iter = faux_list_next_node(iter); if (saveptr) *saveptr = iter; res = matchFn(userkey, faux_list_data(node)); if (!res) return node; if (res < 0) // No chances to find match return NULL; } return NULL; } /** @brief Search list for matching (match function) and returns user data. * * Same as faux_list_match_node() but returns user data structure. * * @sa faux_list_match_node() */ void *faux_list_match(const faux_list_t *list, faux_list_match_fn matchFn, const void *userkey, faux_list_node_t **saveptr) { faux_list_node_t *res = faux_list_match_node(list, matchFn, userkey, saveptr); if (!res) return NULL; return faux_list_data(res); } /** @brief Search list for first matching (match function). * * Same as faux_list_match_node() but search for the fisrt matching. * Doesn't use saveptr iterator. * * @sa faux_list_match_node() */ faux_list_node_t *faux_list_find_node(const faux_list_t *list, faux_list_match_fn matchFn, const void *userkey) { return faux_list_match_node(list, matchFn, userkey, NULL); } /** @brief Search list for first matching (match function) and returns user data. * * Same as faux_list_match_node() but returns user data structure and search * only for the first matching. Doesn't use saveptr iterator. * * @sa faux_list_match_node() */ void *faux_list_find(const faux_list_t *list, faux_list_match_fn matchFn, const void *userkey) { return faux_list_match(list, matchFn, userkey, NULL); }