*Code* | *Id* | *Key* | *Action* | *Comment* |
0 | NUL | ^@ | Null character | |
1 | SOH | ^A | Home | Start of heading, = console interrupt |
2 | STX | ^B | Start of text, maintenance mode on HP console | |
3 | ETX | ^C | Break | End of text |
4 | EOT | ^D | Delete | End of transmission, not the same as ETB |
5 | ENQ | ^E | End | Enquiry, goes with ACK; old HP flow control |
6 | ACK | ^F | Acknowledge, clears ENQ logon hand | |
7 | BEL | ^G | Bell, rings the bell... | |
8 | BS | ^H | Backspace | Backspace, works on HP terminals/computers |
9 | HT | ^I | Tab | Horizontal tab, move to next tab stop |
10 | LF | ^J | Enter | Line Feed |
11 | VT | ^K | Kill line | Vertical tab |
12 | FF | ^L | Clear screen | Form Feed, page eject |
13 | CR | ^M | Enter | Carriage Return |
14 | SO | ^N | Shift Out, alternate character set | |
15 | SI | ^O | Shift In, resume defaultn character set | |
16 | DLE | ^P | Data link escape | |
17 | DC1 | ^Q | XON, with XOFF to pause listings; "okay to send". | |
18 | DC2 | ^R | Device control 2, block-mode flow control | |
19 | DC3 | ^S | XOFF, with XON is TERM=18 flow control | |
20 | DC4 | ^T | Device control 4 | |
21 | NAK | ^U | Erase line | Negative acknowledge |
22 | SYN | ^V | Synchronous idle | |
23 | ETB | ^W | Erase word | End transmission block, not the same as EOT |
24 | CAN | ^X | Cancel line, MPE echoes !!! | |
25 | EM | ^Y | Yank | End of medium, Control-Y interrupt |
26 | SUB | ^Z | Substitute | |
27 | ESC | ^[ | Escape | Escape, next character is not echoed |
28 | FS | ^\ | File separator | |
29 | GS | ^](HOTKEY]) | Group separator | |
30 | RS | ^^ | Record separator, block-mode terminator | |
31 | US | `^_` | Unit separator |
"interface ethernet 0"
The running-config can contain multi level nesting:
interface ethernet 0
ip address
ip options
mtu 1500
In this case the "mtu 1500" entry has a following path:
"interface ethernet 0" "ip options"
The "path" concept is important for running-config entries manipulations.
#### Priority
Each entry has a priority. The priority is a 16-bit unsigned integer. The entries with minimal priority resides on the begining of the running-config. The default priority is "0". The entries with the same priority will be ordered alphabetically.
The priority can be specified in hex format. The Klish use "0x7f00" default value for the priority if priority is not specified explicitly within [CONFIG] tag. The "0x7f00" is a middle of the possible priority range.
The high and low bytes within priority value have a little different meanings. The first level entries with different high bytes will be splitted by "!" (comment sign) always. By default the entries with equal high byte and arbitrary low byte will be splitted by "!" too. But if the entry has a "non-split" flag (see konfd protocol description to find out how to set this flag) the "!" will not be inserted before current entry if previous entry has the same high byte. So the entries can be grouped and don't be splitted by the "!".
The high and low bytes within priority value have no special meanings for nested entries.
#### Sequences
The konfd supports ordered lists a.k.a. "sequences". The entry can be or not to be a part of the sequence. It can be specified by a special options while entry creation. All entries in sequence must have the same priority value. The priority can be considered as an identifier of the sequence. The running-config can contain many sequences at the same time. The sequences will be identified by the priority value.
The new entry can be inserted into sequence with specified sequence number. The entry can be removed from the sequence by its sequence number.
The konfd can output entries without or with sequence numbers prepending the entry value.
See the konfd communication protocol description for detail about sequence using.
### Communicate to konfd daemon
The konfd daemon is accessible via UNIX socket interface. The socket path can be specified via command line. So it's possible to have a several konfd executed simultaneously. The default socket path is /tmp/konfd.socket.
The konfd uses text based protocol for communication with another processes. The syntax of protocol is like a command line with options. It will be documented later in this document.
### Options
#### `-v, --version`
Print the version of clish utility.
#### `-h, --help`
Print help.
#### `-d, --debug`
Enable debug mode. Don't daemonize konfd.
#### `-s
-s -l "interface ethernet 0" -r "^interface ethernet 0$"
This example will add new entry "interface ethernet 0" to the first level of the running-config. If the entry "interface ethernet 0" already exists it will be overwritten by the same entry. The definitions of another interfaces (with another interface numbers) will not be removed because the regular expression contain the number "0" at the end of the pattern.
-s -l "ip address" -r "^ip address " "interface ethernet 0"
This example will add new nested entry "ip address" to the "interface ethernet 0" path. If the IP-address was defined before this action the old entry matching the "^ip address " pattern will be replaced by the new address. Suppose the entry "interface ethernet 0" already exists.
-s -l "mtu 1500" -r "^mtu " "interface ethernet 0" "ip options"
This code will add "mtu 1500" nested entry to the path "interface ethernet 0" "ip options". Suppose the path entries already exist. The running-config output after this operation is:
interface ethernet 0
ip options
mtu 1500
## konf {#utility_konf}
## sigexec {#utility_sigexec}
### Synopsis
$ sigexec