/* * ptype.h */ /** \ingroup clish \defgroup clish_ptype ptype @{ \brief This class represents a parameter type. Types are a syntatical template which parameters reference. */ #ifndef _clish_ptype_h #define _clish_ptype_h typedef struct clish_ptype_s clish_ptype_t; #include "lub/types.h" #include "lub/bintree.h" #include "lub/argv.h" #include <stddef.h> /*===================================== * PTYPE INTERFACE *===================================== */ /*----------------- * public types *----------------- */ /** * The means by which the pattern is interpreted and * validated. */ typedef enum { /** * [default] - A POSIX regular expression. */ CLISH_PTYPE_REGEXP, /** * A numeric definition "min..max" signed and unsigned versions */ CLISH_PTYPE_INTEGER, CLISH_PTYPE_UNSIGNEDINTEGER, /** * A list of possible values. * The syntax of the string is of the form: * "valueOne(ONE) valueTwo(TWO) valueThree(THREE)" * where the text before the parethesis defines the syntax * that the user must use, and the value within the parenthesis * is the result expanded as a parameter value. */ CLISH_PTYPE_SELECT } clish_ptype_method_e; /** * This defines the pre processing which is to be * performed before a string is validated. */ typedef enum { /** * [default] - do nothing */ CLISH_PTYPE_NONE, /** * before validation convert to uppercase. */ CLISH_PTYPE_TOUPPER, /** * before validation convert to lowercase. */ CLISH_PTYPE_TOLOWER } clish_ptype_preprocess_e; /*----------------- * meta functions *----------------- */ int clish_ptype_bt_compare(const void *clientnode, const void *clientkey); void clish_ptype_bt_getkey(const void *clientnode, lub_bintree_key_t * key); size_t clish_ptype_bt_offset(void); const char *clish_ptype_method__get_name(clish_ptype_method_e method); clish_ptype_method_e clish_ptype_method_resolve(const char *method_name); const char *clish_ptype_preprocess__get_name(clish_ptype_preprocess_e preprocess); clish_ptype_preprocess_e clish_ptype_preprocess_resolve(const char *preprocess_name); clish_ptype_t *clish_ptype_new(const char *name, const char *text, const char *pattern, clish_ptype_method_e method, clish_ptype_preprocess_e preprocess); /*----------------- * methods *----------------- */ void clish_ptype_delete(clish_ptype_t * instance); /** * This is the validation method for the specified type. * \return * - NULL if the validation is negative. * - A pointer to a string containing the validated text. NB. this * may not be identical to that passed in. e.g. it may have been * a case-modified "select" or a preprocessed value. */ char *clish_ptype_validate(const clish_ptype_t * instance, const char *text); /** * This is the translation method for the specified type. The text is * first validated then translated into the form which should be used * for variable substitutions in ACTION or VIEW_ID fields. * \return * - NULL if the validation is negative. * - A pointer to a string containing the translated text. NB. this * may not be identical to that passed in. e.g. it may have been * a translated "select" value. */ char *clish_ptype_translate(const clish_ptype_t * instance, const char *text); /** * This is used to perform parameter auto-completion */ void clish_ptype_word_generator(clish_ptype_t * instance, lub_argv_t *matches, const char *text); void clish_ptype_dump(clish_ptype_t * instance); /*----------------- * attributes *----------------- */ const char *clish_ptype__get_name(const clish_ptype_t * instance); const char *clish_ptype__get_text(const clish_ptype_t * instance); const char *clish_ptype__get_range(const clish_ptype_t * instance); void clish_ptype__set_preprocess(clish_ptype_t * instance, clish_ptype_preprocess_e preprocess); void clish_ptype__set_pattern(clish_ptype_t * instance, const char *pattern, clish_ptype_method_e method); void clish_ptype__set_text(clish_ptype_t * instance, const char *text); #endif /* _clish_ptype_h */ /** @} clish_ptype */