/* * ptype.c */ #include "private.h" #include "lub/string.h" #include "lub/ctype.h" #include "lub/argv.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> /*--------------------------------------------------------- * PRIVATE METHODS *--------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *clish_ptype_select__get_name(const clish_ptype_t * this, unsigned index) { char *result = NULL; const char *arg = lub_argv__get_arg(this->u.select.items, index); if (arg) { size_t name_len = strlen(arg); const char *lbrk = strchr(arg, '('); if (lbrk) name_len = (size_t) (lbrk - arg); result = lub_string_dupn(arg, name_len); } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *clish_ptype_select__get_value(const clish_ptype_t * this, unsigned index) { char *result = NULL; const char *arg = lub_argv__get_arg(this->u.select.items, index); if (arg) { const char *lbrk = strchr(arg, '('); const char *rbrk = strchr(arg, ')'); const char *value = arg; size_t value_len = strlen(arg); if (lbrk) { value = lbrk + 1; if (rbrk) value_len = (size_t) (rbrk - value); } result = lub_string_dupn(value, value_len); } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void clish_ptype__set_range(clish_ptype_t * this) { char tmp[80]; /* now set up the range values */ switch (this->method) { /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_REGEXP: /* * nothing more to do */ break; /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_INTEGER: /* * Setup the integer range */ sprintf(tmp, "%d..%d", this->u.integer.min, this->u.integer.max); this->range = lub_string_dup(tmp); break; /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_UNSIGNEDINTEGER: /* * Setup the unsigned integer range */ sprintf(tmp, "%u..%u", (unsigned int)this->u.integer.min, (unsigned int)this->u.integer.max); this->range = lub_string_dup(tmp); break; /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_SELECT: { /* * Setup the selection values to the help text */ unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < lub_argv__get_count(this->u.select.items); i++) { char *p = tmp; char *name = clish_ptype_select__get_name(this, i); if (i > 0) p += sprintf(p, "/"); p += sprintf(p, "%s", name); lub_string_cat(&this->range, tmp); lub_string_free(name); } break; } /*------------------------------------------------- */ } } /*--------------------------------------------------------- * PUBLIC META FUNCTIONS *--------------------------------------------------------- */ int clish_ptype_bt_compare(const void *clientnode, const void *clientkey) { const clish_ptype_t *this = clientnode; const char *key = clientkey; return strcmp(this->name, key); } /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_ptype_bt_getkey(const void *clientnode, lub_bintree_key_t * key) { const clish_ptype_t *this = clientnode; /* fill out the opaque key */ strcpy((char *)key, this->name); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ size_t clish_ptype_bt_offset(void) { return offsetof(clish_ptype_t, bt_node); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static const char *method_names[] = { "regexp", "integer", "unsignedInteger", "select" }; /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *clish_ptype_method__get_name(clish_ptype_method_e method) { int max_method = sizeof(method_names) / sizeof(char *); if (method >= max_method) return NULL; return method_names[method]; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ clish_ptype_method_e clish_ptype_method_resolve(const char *name) { clish_ptype_method_e result = CLISH_PTYPE_REGEXP; if (NULL != name) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < CLISH_PTYPE_SELECT + 1; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(name, method_names[i])) { result = (clish_ptype_method_e) i; break; } } /* error for incorrect type spec */ assert(i <= CLISH_PTYPE_SELECT); } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static const char *preprocess_names[] = { "none", "toupper", "tolower" }; /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *clish_ptype_preprocess__get_name( clish_ptype_preprocess_e preprocess) { return preprocess_names[preprocess]; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ clish_ptype_preprocess_e clish_ptype_preprocess_resolve(const char *name) { clish_ptype_preprocess_e result = CLISH_PTYPE_NONE; if (name) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < CLISH_PTYPE_TOLOWER + 1; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(name, preprocess_names[i])) { result = (clish_ptype_preprocess_e) i; break; } } /* error for incorrect type spec */ assert((clish_ptype_preprocess_e) i <= CLISH_PTYPE_TOLOWER); } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- * PUBLIC METHODS *--------------------------------------------------------- */ /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_ptype_word_generator(clish_ptype_t * this, lub_argv_t *matches, const char *text) { char *result = NULL; unsigned i = 0; /* Another ptypes has no completions */ if (this->method != CLISH_PTYPE_SELECT) return; /* First of all simply try to validate the result */ result = clish_ptype_validate(this, text); if (result) { lub_argv_add(matches, result); lub_string_free(result); return; } /* Iterate possible completion */ while ((result = clish_ptype_select__get_name(this, i++))) { /* get the next item and check if it is a completion */ if (result == lub_string_nocasestr(result, text)) lub_argv_add(matches, result); lub_string_free(result); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *clish_ptype_validate_or_translate(const clish_ptype_t * this, const char *text, bool_t translate) { char *result = lub_string_dup(text); assert(this->pattern); switch (this->preprocess) { /*----------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_NONE: break; /*----------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_TOUPPER: { char *p = result; while (*p) { /*lint -e155 Ignoring { }'ed sequence within an expression, 0 assumed * MACRO implementation uses braces to prevent multiple increments * when called. */ *p = lub_ctype_toupper(*p); p++; } break; } /*----------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_TOLOWER: { char *p = result; while (*p) { *p = lub_ctype_tolower(*p); p++; } break; } /*----------------------------------------- */ } /* * now validate according the specified method */ switch (this->method) { /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_REGEXP: /* test the regular expression against the string */ /*lint -e64 Type mismatch (arg. no. 4) */ /* * lint seems to equate regmatch_t[] as being of type regmatch_t ! */ if (0 != regexec(&this->u.regexp, result, 0, NULL, 0)) { lub_string_free(result); result = NULL; } /*lint +e64 */ break; /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_INTEGER: { /* first of all check that this is a number */ bool_t ok = BOOL_TRUE; const char *p = result; if (*p == '-') p++; while (*p) { if (!lub_ctype_isdigit(*p++)) { ok = BOOL_FALSE; break; } } if (BOOL_TRUE == ok) { /* convert and check the range */ int value = atoi(result); if ((value < this->u.integer.min) || (value > this->u.integer.max)) { lub_string_free(result); result = NULL; } } else { lub_string_free(result); result = NULL; } break; } /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_UNSIGNEDINTEGER: { /* first of all check that this is a number */ bool_t ok = BOOL_TRUE; const char *p = result; if (*p == '-') p++; while (*p) { if (!lub_ctype_isdigit(*p++)) { ok = BOOL_FALSE; break; } } if (BOOL_TRUE == ok) { /* convert and check the range */ unsigned int value = (unsigned int)atoi(result); if ((value < (unsigned)this->u.integer.min) || (value > (unsigned)this->u.integer.max)) { lub_string_free(result); result = NULL; } } else { lub_string_free(result); result = NULL; } break; } /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_SELECT: { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < lub_argv__get_count(this->u.select.items); i++) { char *name = clish_ptype_select__get_name(this, i); char *value = clish_ptype_select__get_value(this, i); int tmp = lub_string_nocasecmp(result, name); lub_string_free((BOOL_TRUE == translate) ? name : value); if (0 == tmp) { lub_string_free(result); result = ((BOOL_TRUE == translate) ? value : name); break; } else { lub_string_free((BOOL_TRUE == translate) ? value : name); } } if (i == lub_argv__get_count(this->u.select.items)) { /* failed to find a match */ lub_string_free(result); result = NULL; } break; } /*------------------------------------------------- */ } return (char *)result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void clish_ptype_init(clish_ptype_t * this, const char *name, const char *text, const char *pattern, clish_ptype_method_e method, clish_ptype_preprocess_e preprocess) { assert(name); this->name = lub_string_dup(name); this->text = NULL; this->pattern = NULL; this->preprocess = preprocess; this->range = NULL; /* Be a good binary tree citizen */ lub_bintree_node_init(&this->bt_node); if (pattern) { /* set the pattern for this type */ clish_ptype__set_pattern(this, pattern, method); } else { /* The method is regexp by default */ this->method = CLISH_PTYPE_REGEXP; } /* set the help text for this type */ if (text) clish_ptype__set_text(this, text); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_ptype_validate(const clish_ptype_t * this, const char *text) { return clish_ptype_validate_or_translate(this, text, BOOL_FALSE); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_ptype_translate(const clish_ptype_t * this, const char *text) { return clish_ptype_validate_or_translate(this, text, BOOL_TRUE); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ clish_ptype_t *clish_ptype_new(const char *name, const char *help, const char *pattern, clish_ptype_method_e method, clish_ptype_preprocess_e preprocess) { clish_ptype_t *this = malloc(sizeof(clish_ptype_t)); if (this) clish_ptype_init(this, name, help, pattern, method, preprocess); return this; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void clish_ptype_fini(clish_ptype_t * this) { if (this->pattern) { switch (this->method) { case CLISH_PTYPE_REGEXP: regfree(&this->u.regexp); break; case CLISH_PTYPE_INTEGER: case CLISH_PTYPE_UNSIGNEDINTEGER: break; case CLISH_PTYPE_SELECT: lub_argv_delete(this->u.select.items); break; } } lub_string_free(this->name); this->name = NULL; lub_string_free(this->text); this->text = NULL; lub_string_free(this->pattern); this->pattern = NULL; lub_string_free(this->range); this->range = NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_ptype_delete(clish_ptype_t * this) { clish_ptype_fini(this); free(this); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *clish_ptype__get_name(const clish_ptype_t * this) { return (const char *)this->name; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *clish_ptype__get_text(const clish_ptype_t * this) { return (const char *)this->text; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_ptype__set_pattern(clish_ptype_t * this, const char *pattern, clish_ptype_method_e method) { assert(NULL == this->pattern); this->method = method; switch (this->method) { /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_REGEXP: { int result; /* only the expression is allowed */ lub_string_cat(&this->pattern, "^"); lub_string_cat(&this->pattern, pattern); lub_string_cat(&this->pattern, "$"); /* compile the regular expression for later use */ result = regcomp(&this->u.regexp, this->pattern, REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED); assert(0 == result); break; } /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_INTEGER: /* default the range to that of an integer */ this->u.integer.min = INT_MIN; this->u.integer.max = INT_MAX; this->pattern = lub_string_dup(pattern); /* now try and read the specified range */ sscanf(this->pattern, "%d..%d", &this->u.integer.min, &this->u.integer.max); break; /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_UNSIGNEDINTEGER: /* default the range to that of an unsigned integer */ this->u.integer.min = 0; this->u.integer.max = (int)UINT_MAX; this->pattern = lub_string_dup(pattern); /* now try and read the specified range */ sscanf(this->pattern, "%u..%u", (unsigned int *)&this->u.integer.min, (unsigned int *)&this->u.integer.max); break; /*------------------------------------------------- */ case CLISH_PTYPE_SELECT: this->pattern = lub_string_dup(pattern); /* store a vector of item descriptors */ this->u.select.items = lub_argv_new(this->pattern, 0); break; /*------------------------------------------------- */ } /* now set up the range details */ clish_ptype__set_range(this); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_ptype__set_text(clish_ptype_t * this, const char *text) { assert(!this->text); this->text = lub_string_dup(text); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_ptype__set_preprocess(clish_ptype_t * this, clish_ptype_preprocess_e preprocess) { assert(!this->preprocess); this->preprocess = preprocess; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *clish_ptype__get_range(const clish_ptype_t * this) { return (const char *)this->range; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */