/* * buf.c * * This file provides the implementation of a buf class */ #include "private.h" #include "lub/argv.h" #include "lub/string.h" #include "lub/ctype.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #define KONF_BUF_CHUNK 1024 /*--------------------------------------------------------- * PRIVATE META FUNCTIONS *--------------------------------------------------------- */ int konf_buf_bt_compare(const void *clientnode, const void *clientkey) { const konf_buf_t *this = clientnode; int keyfd; memcpy(&keyfd, clientkey, sizeof(keyfd)); return (this->fd - keyfd); } /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ static void konf_buf_key(lub_bintree_key_t * key, int fd) { memcpy(key, &fd, sizeof(fd)); } /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ void konf_buf_bt_getkey(const void *clientnode, lub_bintree_key_t * key) { const konf_buf_t *this = clientnode; konf_buf_key(key, this->fd); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- * PRIVATE METHODS *--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void konf_buf_init(konf_buf_t * this, int fd) { this->fd = fd; this->buf = malloc(KONF_BUF_CHUNK); this->size = KONF_BUF_CHUNK; this->pos = 0; this->rpos = 0; /* Be a good binary tree citizen */ lub_bintree_node_init(&this->bt_node); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void konf_buf_fini(konf_buf_t * this) { free(this->buf); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- * PUBLIC META FUNCTIONS *--------------------------------------------------------- */ size_t konf_buf_bt_offset(void) { return offsetof(konf_buf_t, bt_node); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ konf_buf_t *konf_buf_new(int fd) { konf_buf_t *this = malloc(sizeof(konf_buf_t)); if (this) konf_buf_init(this, fd); return this; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- * PUBLIC METHODS *--------------------------------------------------------- */ void konf_buf_delete(konf_buf_t * this) { konf_buf_fini(this); free(this); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static int konf_buf_realloc(konf_buf_t *this, int addsize) { int chunk = KONF_BUF_CHUNK; char *tmpbuf; if (addsize > chunk) chunk = addsize; if ((this->size - this->pos) < chunk) { tmpbuf = realloc(this->buf, this->size + chunk); this->buf = tmpbuf; this->size += chunk; } return this->size; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ int konf_buf_add(konf_buf_t *this, void *str, size_t len) { char *buffer; konf_buf_realloc(this, len); buffer = this->buf + this->pos; memcpy(buffer, str, len); this->pos += len; return len; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ int konf_buf_read(konf_buf_t *this) { char *buffer; int buffer_size; int nbytes; konf_buf_realloc(this, 0); buffer_size = this->size - this->pos; buffer = this->buf + this->pos; nbytes = read(this->fd, buffer, buffer_size); if (nbytes > 0) this->pos += nbytes; return nbytes; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char * konf_buf_string(char *buf, int len) { unsigned i; char *str; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (('\0' == buf[i]) || ('\n' == buf[i])) break; } if (i >= len) return NULL; str = malloc(i + 1); memcpy(str, buf, i + 1); str[i] = '\0'; return str; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char * konf_buf_parse(konf_buf_t *this) { char * str = NULL; /* Search the buffer for the string */ str = konf_buf_string(this->buf, this->pos); /* Remove parsed string from the buffer */ if (str) { int len = strlen(str) + 1; memmove(this->buf, &this->buf[len], this->pos - len); this->pos -= len; if (this->rpos >= len) this->rpos -= len; else this->rpos = 0; } /* Make buffer shorter */ if ((this->size - this->pos) > (2 * KONF_BUF_CHUNK)) { char *tmpbuf; tmpbuf = realloc(this->buf, this->size - KONF_BUF_CHUNK); this->buf = tmpbuf; this->size -= KONF_BUF_CHUNK; } return str; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char * konf_buf_preparse(konf_buf_t *this) { char * str = NULL; str = konf_buf_string(this->buf + this->rpos, this->pos - this->rpos); if (str) this->rpos += (strlen(str) + 1); return str; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ int konf_buf_lseek(konf_buf_t *this, int newpos) { if (newpos > this->pos) return -1; this->rpos = newpos; return newpos; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ int konf_buf__get_fd(const konf_buf_t * this) { return this->fd; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ int konf_buf__get_len(const konf_buf_t *this) { return this->pos; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char * konf_buf__dup_line(const konf_buf_t *this) { char *str; str = malloc(this->pos + 1); memcpy(str, this->buf, this->pos); str[this->pos] = '\0'; return str; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- * buftree functions *--------------------------------------------------------- */ /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ konf_buf_t *konf_buftree_find(lub_bintree_t * this, int fd) { lub_bintree_key_t key; konf_buf_key(&key, fd); return lub_bintree_find(this, &key); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void konf_buftree_remove(lub_bintree_t * this, int fd) { konf_buf_t *tbuf; if ((tbuf = konf_buftree_find(this, fd)) == NULL) return; lub_bintree_remove(this, tbuf); konf_buf_delete(tbuf); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ int konf_buftree_read(lub_bintree_t * this, int fd) { konf_buf_t *buf; buf = konf_buftree_find(this, fd); if (!buf) return -1; return konf_buf_read(buf); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char * konf_buftree_parse(lub_bintree_t * this, int fd) { konf_buf_t *buf; buf = konf_buftree_find(this, fd); if (!buf) return NULL; return konf_buf_parse(buf); }