/* * history.c * * Simple non-readline hooks for the cli library */ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include "private.h" #include "lub/string.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include "tinyrl/history.h" struct _tinyrl_history { tinyrl_history_entry_t **entries; /* pointer entries */ unsigned length; /* Number of elements within this array */ unsigned size; /* Number of slots allocated in this array */ unsigned current_index; unsigned stifle; }; /*------------------------------------- */ void tinyrl_history_init(tinyrl_history_t * this, unsigned stifle) { this->entries = NULL; this->stifle = stifle; this->current_index = 1; this->length = 0; this->size = 0; } /*------------------------------------- */ void tinyrl_history_fini(tinyrl_history_t * this) { tinyrl_history_entry_t *entry; tinyrl_history_iterator_t iter; /* release the resource associated with each entry */ for (entry = tinyrl_history_getfirst(this, &iter); entry; entry = tinyrl_history_getnext(&iter)) { tinyrl_history_entry_delete(entry); } /* release the list */ free(this->entries); this->entries = NULL; } /*------------------------------------- */ tinyrl_history_t *tinyrl_history_new(unsigned stifle) { tinyrl_history_t *this = malloc(sizeof(tinyrl_history_t)); if (NULL != this) { tinyrl_history_init(this, stifle); } return this; } /*------------------------------------- */ void tinyrl_history_delete(tinyrl_history_t * this) { tinyrl_history_fini(this); free(this); } /* HISTORY LIST MANAGEMENT */ /*------------------------------------- */ /* insert a new entry at the current offset */ static void insert_entry(tinyrl_history_t * this, const char *line) { tinyrl_history_entry_t *new_entry = tinyrl_history_entry_new(line, this->current_index++); assert(this->length); assert(this->entries); if (new_entry) { this->entries[this->length - 1] = new_entry; } } /*------------------------------------- */ /* * This frees the specified entries from the * entries vector. NB it doesn't perform any shuffling. * This function is inclusive of start and end */ static void free_entries(const tinyrl_history_t * this, unsigned start, unsigned end) { unsigned i; assert(start <= end); assert(end < this->length); for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { tinyrl_history_entry_t *entry = this->entries[i]; tinyrl_history_entry_delete(entry); entry = NULL; } } /*------------------------------------- */ /* * This removes the specified entries from the * entries vector. Shuffling up the array as necessary * This function is inclusive of start and end */ static void remove_entries(tinyrl_history_t * this, unsigned start, unsigned end) { unsigned delta = (end - start) + 1; /* number of entries being deleted */ /* number of entries to shuffle */ unsigned num_entries = (this->length - end) - 1; assert(start <= end); assert(end < this->length); if (num_entries) { /* move the remaining entries down to close the array */ memmove(&this->entries[start], &this->entries[end + 1], sizeof(tinyrl_history_entry_t *) * num_entries); } /* now fix up the length variables */ this->length -= delta; } /*------------------------------------- */ /* Search the current history buffer for the specified line and if found remove it. */ static bool_t remove_duplicate(tinyrl_history_t * this, const char *line) { bool_t result = BOOL_FALSE; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < this->length; i++) { tinyrl_history_entry_t *entry = this->entries[i]; if (0 == strcmp(line, tinyrl_history_entry__get_line(entry))) { free_entries(this, i, i); remove_entries(this, i, i); result = BOOL_TRUE; break; } } return result; } /*------------------------------------- */ /* add an entry to the end of the current array if there is no space returns -1 else 0 */ static void append_entry(tinyrl_history_t * this, const char *line) { if (this->length < this->size) { this->length++; insert_entry(this, line); } } /*------------------------------------- */ /* add a new history entry replacing the oldest one */ static void add_n_replace(tinyrl_history_t * this, const char *line) { if (BOOL_FALSE == remove_duplicate(this, line)) { /* free the oldest entry */ free_entries(this, 0, 0); /* shuffle the array */ remove_entries(this, 0, 0); } /* add the new entry */ append_entry(this, line); } /*------------------------------------- */ /* add a new history entry growing the array if necessary */ static void add_n_grow(tinyrl_history_t * this, const char *line) { if (this->size == this->length) { /* increment the history memory by 10 entries each time we grow */ unsigned new_size = this->size + 10; size_t nbytes; tinyrl_history_entry_t **new_entries; nbytes = sizeof(tinyrl_history_entry_t *) * new_size; new_entries = realloc(this->entries, nbytes); if (NULL != new_entries) { this->size = new_size; this->entries = new_entries; } } (void)remove_duplicate(this, line); append_entry(this, line); } /*------------------------------------- */ void tinyrl_history_add(tinyrl_history_t * this, const char *line) { if (this->length && (this->length == this->stifle)) { add_n_replace(this, line); } else { add_n_grow(this, line); } } /*------------------------------------- */ tinyrl_history_entry_t *tinyrl_history_remove(tinyrl_history_t * this, unsigned offset) { tinyrl_history_entry_t *result = NULL; if (offset < this->length) { result = this->entries[offset]; /* do the biz */ remove_entries(this, offset, offset); } return result; } /*------------------------------------- */ void tinyrl_history_clear(tinyrl_history_t * this) { /* free all the entries */ free_entries(this, 0, this->length - 1); /* and shuffle the array */ remove_entries(this, 0, this->length - 1); } /*------------------------------------- */ void tinyrl_history_stifle(tinyrl_history_t * this, unsigned stifle) { /* * if we are stifling (i.e. non zero value) then * delete the obsolete entries */ if (stifle) { if (stifle < this->length) { unsigned num_deletes = this->length - stifle; /* free the entries */ free_entries(this, 0, num_deletes - 1); /* shuffle the array shut */ remove_entries(this, 0, num_deletes - 1); } this->stifle = stifle; } } /*------------------------------------- */ unsigned tinyrl_history_unstifle(tinyrl_history_t * this) { unsigned result = this->stifle; this->stifle = 0; return result; } /*------------------------------------- */ bool_t tinyrl_history_is_stifled(const tinyrl_history_t * this) { return this->stifle ? BOOL_TRUE : BOOL_FALSE; } /* INFORMATION ABOUT THE HISTORY LIST */ tinyrl_history_entry_t *tinyrl_history_get(const tinyrl_history_t * this, unsigned position) { unsigned i; tinyrl_history_entry_t *entry = NULL; for (i = 0; i < this->length; i++) { entry = this->entries[i]; if (position == tinyrl_history_entry__get_index(entry)) { /* found it */ break; } entry = NULL; } return entry; } /*------------------------------------- */ tinyrl_history_expand_t tinyrl_history_expand(const tinyrl_history_t * this, const char *string, char **output) { tinyrl_history_expand_t result = tinyrl_history_NO_EXPANSION; /* no expansion */ const char *p, *start; char *buffer = NULL; unsigned len; for (p = string, start = string, len = 0; *p; p++, len++) { /* perform pling substitution */ if (*p == '!') { /* assume the last command to start with... */ unsigned offset = this->current_index - 1; unsigned skip; tinyrl_history_entry_t *entry; /* this could be an escape sequence */ if (p[1] != '!') { int tmp; int res; /* read the numeric identifier */ res = sscanf(p, "!%d", &tmp); if ((0 == res) || (EOF == res)) { /* error so ignore it */ break; } if (tmp < 0) { /* this is a relative reference */ /*lint -e737 Loss of sign in promotion from int to unsigend int */ offset += tmp; /* adding a negative substracts... */ /*lint +e737 */ } else { /* this is an absolute reference */ offset = (unsigned)tmp; } } if (len > 0) { /* we need to add in some previous plain text */ lub_string_catn(&buffer, start, len); } /* skip the escaped chars */ p += skip = strspn(p, "!-0123456789"); /* try and find the history entry */ entry = tinyrl_history_get(this, offset); if (NULL != entry) { /* reset the non-escaped references */ start = p; len = 0; /* add the expanded text to the buffer */ result = tinyrl_history_EXPANDED; lub_string_cat(&buffer, tinyrl_history_entry__get_line (entry)); } else { /* we simply leave the unexpanded sequence */ len += skip; } } } /* add any left over plain text */ lub_string_catn(&buffer, start, len); *output = buffer; return result; } /*-------------------------------------*/ tinyrl_history_entry_t *tinyrl_history_getfirst(const tinyrl_history_t * this, tinyrl_history_iterator_t * iter) { tinyrl_history_entry_t *result = NULL; iter->history = this; iter->offset = 0; if (this->length) { result = this->entries[iter->offset]; } return result; } /*-------------------------------------*/ tinyrl_history_entry_t *tinyrl_history_getnext(tinyrl_history_iterator_t * iter) { tinyrl_history_entry_t *result = NULL; if (iter->offset < iter->history->length - 1) { iter->offset++; result = iter->history->entries[iter->offset]; } return result; } /*-------------------------------------*/ tinyrl_history_entry_t *tinyrl_history_getlast(const tinyrl_history_t * this, tinyrl_history_iterator_t * iter) { iter->history = this; iter->offset = this->length; return tinyrl_history_getprevious(iter); } /*-------------------------------------*/ tinyrl_history_entry_t *tinyrl_history_getprevious(tinyrl_history_iterator_t * iter) { tinyrl_history_entry_t *result = NULL; if (iter->offset) { iter->offset--; result = iter->history->entries[iter->offset]; } return result; } /*-------------------------------------*/