<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CLISH_MODULE xmlns="http://clish.sourceforge.net/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://clish.sourceforge.net/XMLSchema http://clish.sourceforge.net/XMLSchema/clish.xsd"> <!--=======================================================--> <VIEW name="enable-view"> <!-- Show routing information --> <COMMAND name="show ip route" help="IP routing table" lock="false" interrupt="true"> <ACTION>ip route show</ACTION> </COMMAND> </VIEW> <VIEW name="configure-view"> <!-- Enable/Disable routing --> <COMMAND name="ip routing" help="Enable IP routing"> <CONFIG operation="unset" pattern="^no ip routing"/> <ACTION> echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward </ACTION> </COMMAND> <COMMAND name="no ip routing" help="Disable IP routing"> <CONFIG priority="0x1500"/> <ACTION> echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward </ACTION> </COMMAND> <!-- Default gateway --> <COMMAND name="ip default-gateway" help="Specify default gateway (if not routing IP)"> <PARAM name="ip" help="IP address of default gateway" ptype="IP_ADDR"/> <CONFIG priority="0x9000" splitter="false"/> <ACTION> ip route replace to default via ${ip} </ACTION> </COMMAND> <COMMAND name="no ip default-gateway" help="Specify default gateway (if not routing IP)"> <CONFIG operation="unset" pattern="^ip default-gateway"/> <ACTION> ip route delete to default </ACTION> </COMMAND> <!-- Set/Unset static route --> <COMMAND name="ip route" help="Establish static routes"> <PARAM name="ip" help="Destination prefix" ptype="IP_ADDR_MASK"/> <PARAM name="route_target" help="Route target" ptype="STRING" mode="switch"> <PARAM name="ethernet" help="Ethernet IEEE 802.3" ptype="SUBCOMMAND" mode="subcommand"> <PARAM name="iface_num" help="Ethernet interface number" ptype="IFACE_NUM"/> </PARAM> <PARAM name="forward" help="Forwarding router's address" ptype="IP_ADDR"/> </PARAM> <CONFIG priority="0x9002" pattern="^ip route ${ip} " splitter="false"/> <ACTION> if test "${route_target}" = "ethernet"; then ip route replace to ${ip} dev eth${iface_num} exit $? elif test "${route_target}" = "forward"; then ip route replace to ${ip} via ${forward} exit $? fi </ACTION> </COMMAND> <COMMAND name="no ip route" help="Establish static routes"> <PARAM name="ip" help="Destination prefix" ptype="IP_ADDR_MASK"/> <CONFIG operation="unset" pattern="^ip route ${ip} "/> <ACTION> ip route delete to ${ip} </ACTION> </COMMAND> </VIEW> </CLISH_MODULE>