/** @file pline.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "private.h" #include "pline.h" static pexpr_t *pexpr_new(void) { pexpr_t *pexpr = NULL; pexpr = faux_zmalloc(sizeof(*pexpr)); assert(pexpr); if (!pexpr) return NULL; // Initialize pexpr->xpath = NULL; pexpr->value = NULL; pexpr->active = BOOL_FALSE; pexpr->pat = PAT_NONE; pexpr->args_num = 0; pexpr->list_pos = 0; pexpr->last_keys = NULL; return pexpr; } static void pexpr_free(pexpr_t *pexpr) { if (!pexpr) return; faux_str_free(pexpr->xpath); faux_str_free(pexpr->value); faux_str_free(pexpr->last_keys); free(pexpr); } static pcompl_t *pcompl_new(void) { pcompl_t *pcompl = NULL; pcompl = faux_zmalloc(sizeof(*pcompl)); assert(pcompl); if (!pcompl) return NULL; // Initialize pcompl->type = PCOMPL_NODE; pcompl->node = NULL; pcompl->xpath = NULL; return pcompl; } static void pcompl_free(pcompl_t *pcompl) { if (!pcompl) return; faux_str_free(pcompl->xpath); free(pcompl); } pline_t *pline_new(sr_session_ctx_t *sess) { pline_t *pline = NULL; pline = faux_zmalloc(sizeof(*pline)); assert(pline); if (!pline) return NULL; // Init pline->sess = sess; pline->invalid = BOOL_FALSE; pline->exprs = faux_list_new(FAUX_LIST_UNSORTED, FAUX_LIST_NONUNIQUE, NULL, NULL, (faux_list_free_fn)pexpr_free); pline->compls = faux_list_new(FAUX_LIST_UNSORTED, FAUX_LIST_NONUNIQUE, NULL, NULL, (faux_list_free_fn)pcompl_free); return pline; } void pline_free(pline_t *pline) { if (!pline) return; faux_list_free(pline->exprs); faux_list_free(pline->compls); faux_free(pline); } static pexpr_t *pline_add_expr(pline_t *pline, const char *xpath, size_t args_num, size_t list_pos) { pexpr_t *pexpr = NULL; assert(pline); pexpr = pexpr_new(); if (xpath) pexpr->xpath = faux_str_dup(xpath); pexpr->args_num = args_num; pexpr->list_pos = list_pos; faux_list_add(pline->exprs, pexpr); return pexpr; } pexpr_t *pline_current_expr(pline_t *pline) { assert(pline); if (faux_list_len(pline->exprs) == 0) pline_add_expr(pline, NULL, 0, 0); return (pexpr_t *)faux_list_data(faux_list_tail(pline->exprs)); } static void pline_add_compl(pline_t *pline, pcompl_type_e type, const struct lysc_node *node, const char *xpath) { pcompl_t *pcompl = NULL; assert(pline); pcompl = pcompl_new(); pcompl->type = type; pcompl->node = node; if (xpath) pcompl->xpath = faux_str_dup(xpath); faux_list_add(pline->compls, pcompl); } static void pline_add_compl_subtree(pline_t *pline, const struct lys_module *module, const struct lysc_node *node) { const struct lysc_node *subtree = NULL; const struct lysc_node *iter = NULL; assert(pline); assert(module); if (node) subtree = lysc_node_child(node); else subtree = module->compiled->data; LY_LIST_FOR(subtree, iter) { if (!(iter->nodetype & SRP_NODETYPE_CONF)) continue; if (!(iter->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) continue; if (iter->nodetype & (LYS_CHOICE | LYS_CASE)) { pline_add_compl_subtree(pline, module, iter); continue; } pline_add_compl(pline, PCOMPL_NODE, iter, NULL); } } void pline_debug(pline_t *pline) { faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; pexpr_t *pexpr = NULL; pcompl_t *pcompl = NULL; printf("====== Pline:\n\n"); printf("invalid = %s\n", pline->invalid ? "true" : "false"); printf("\n"); printf("=== Expressions:\n\n"); iter = faux_list_head(pline->exprs); while ((pexpr = (pexpr_t *)faux_list_each(&iter))) { char *pat = NULL; printf("pexpr.xpath = %s\n", pexpr->xpath ? pexpr->xpath : "NULL"); printf("pexpr.value = %s\n", pexpr->value ? pexpr->value : "NULL"); printf("pexpr.active = %s\n", pexpr->active ? "true" : "false"); switch (pexpr->pat) { case 0x0001: pat = "NONE"; break; case 0x0002: pat = "CONTAINER"; break; case 0x0004: pat = "LIST"; break; case 0x0008: pat = "LIST_KEY"; break; case 0x0010: pat = "LIST_KEY_INCOMPLETED"; break; case 0x0020: pat = "LEAF"; break; case 0x0040: pat = "LEAF_VALUE"; break; case 0x0080: pat = "LEAF_EMPTY"; break; case 0x0100: pat = "LEAFLIST"; break; case 0x0200: pat = "LEAFLIST_VALUE"; break; default: pat = "UNKNOWN"; break; } printf("pexpr.pat = %s\n", pat); printf("pexpr.args_num = %lu\n", pexpr->args_num); printf("pexpr.list_pos = %lu\n", pexpr->list_pos); printf("pexpr.last_keys = %s\n", pexpr->last_keys ? pexpr->last_keys : "NULL"); printf("\n"); } printf("=== Completions:\n\n"); iter = faux_list_head(pline->compls); while ((pcompl = (pcompl_t *)faux_list_each(&iter))) { printf("pcompl.type = %s\n", (pcompl->type == PCOMPL_NODE) ? "PCOMPL_NODE" : "PCOMPL_TYPE"); printf("pcompl.node = %s\n", pcompl->node ? pcompl->node->name : "NULL"); printf("pcompl.xpath = %s\n", pcompl->xpath ? pcompl->xpath : "NULL"); printf("\n"); } } // Don't use standard lys_find_child() because it checks given module to be // equal to found node's module. So augmented nodes will not be found. static const struct lysc_node *find_child(const struct lysc_node *node, const char *name) { const struct lysc_node *iter = NULL; if (!node) return NULL; LY_LIST_FOR(node, iter) { if (!(iter->nodetype & SRP_NODETYPE_CONF)) continue; if (!(iter->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) continue; // Special case. LYS_CHOICE and LYS_CASE must search for // specified name inside themselfs. if (iter->nodetype & (LYS_CHOICE | LYS_CASE)) { const struct lysc_node *node_in = NULL; node_in = find_child(lysc_node_child(iter), name); if (node_in) return node_in; continue; } if (!faux_str_cmp(iter->name, name)) return iter; } return NULL; } static struct lysc_ident *find_ident(struct lysc_ident *ident, const char *name) { LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; if (!ident) return NULL; if (!ident->derived) { if (!faux_str_cmp(name, ident->name)) return ident; return NULL; } LY_ARRAY_FOR(ident->derived, u) { struct lysc_ident *identity = find_ident(ident->derived[u], name); if (identity) return identity; } return NULL; } static const char *identityref_prefix(struct lysc_type_identityref *type, const char *name) { LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; assert(type); LY_ARRAY_FOR(type->bases, u) { struct lysc_ident *identity = find_ident(type->bases[u], name); if (identity) return identity->module->name; } return NULL; } size_t list_num_of_keys(const struct lysc_node *node) { const struct lysc_node *iter = NULL; size_t num = 0; assert(node); if (!node) return 0; if (!(node->nodetype & LYS_LIST)) return 0; LY_LIST_FOR(lysc_node_child(node), iter) { if (!(iter->nodetype & LYS_LEAF)) continue; if (!(iter->flags & LYS_KEY)) continue; num++; } return num; } // Get module name by internal prefix. Sysrepo requests use module names but not // prefixes. static const char *module_by_prefix(const struct lysp_module *parsed, const char *prefix) { LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; if (!parsed) return NULL; if (!prefix) return NULL; // Try prefix of module itself if (faux_str_cmp(prefix, parsed->mod->prefix) == 0) return parsed->mod->name; // Try imported modules LY_ARRAY_FOR(parsed->imports, u) { const struct lysp_import *import = &parsed->imports[u]; if (faux_str_cmp(prefix, import->prefix) == 0) return import->name; } return NULL; } static char *remap_xpath_prefixes(const char *orig_xpath, const struct lysp_module *parsed) { char *remaped = NULL; const char *pos = orig_xpath; const char *start = orig_xpath; char *cached_prefix = NULL; char *cached_module = NULL; if (!orig_xpath) return NULL; while (*pos != '\0') { if (*pos == '/') { faux_str_catn(&remaped, start, pos - start + 1); start = pos + 1; } else if (*pos == ':') { if (pos != start) { char *prefix = faux_str_dupn(start, pos - start); if (cached_prefix && (faux_str_cmp(prefix, cached_prefix) == 0)) { faux_str_cat(&remaped, cached_module); faux_str_free(prefix); } else { const char *module = module_by_prefix(parsed, prefix); if (module) { faux_str_cat(&remaped, module); faux_str_free(cached_prefix); faux_str_free(cached_module); cached_prefix = prefix; cached_module = faux_str_dup(module); } else { faux_str_cat(&remaped, prefix); faux_str_free(prefix); } } } faux_str_cat(&remaped, ":"); start = pos + 1; } pos++; } if (start != pos) faux_str_catn(&remaped, start, pos - start); faux_str_free(cached_prefix); faux_str_free(cached_module); return remaped; } static const char *cut_front_ups(const char *orig_xpath, size_t *up_num) { const char *xpath = orig_xpath; const char *needle = "../"; size_t needle_len = strlen(needle); size_t num = 0; if (!xpath) return NULL; while (faux_str_cmpn(xpath, needle, needle_len) == 0) { num++; xpath += needle_len; } if (up_num) *up_num = num; return xpath; } static char *cut_trailing_components(const char *orig_xpath, size_t up_num) { const char *xpath = NULL; char *res = NULL; size_t num = 0; if (!orig_xpath) return NULL; xpath = orig_xpath + strlen(orig_xpath); while (xpath >= orig_xpath) { if (*xpath == '/') num++; if (num == up_num) { res = faux_str_dupn(orig_xpath, xpath - orig_xpath + 1); break; } xpath--; } return res; } static char *leafref_xpath(const struct lysc_node *node, const char *node_path) { char *compl_xpath = NULL; const struct lysc_type *type = NULL; const struct lysc_type_leafref *leafref = NULL; const char *orig_xpath = NULL; char *remaped_xpath = NULL; const char *tmp = NULL; size_t up_num = 0; if (!node) return NULL; if (!(node->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) return NULL; if (node->nodetype & LYS_LEAF) type = ((const struct lysc_node_leaf *)node)->type; else type = ((const struct lysc_node_leaflist *)node)->type; if (type->basetype != LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) return NULL; leafref = (const struct lysc_type_leafref *)type; orig_xpath = lyxp_get_expr(leafref->path); if (!orig_xpath) return NULL; remaped_xpath = remap_xpath_prefixes(orig_xpath, node->module->parsed); if (remaped_xpath[0] == '/') // Absolute path return remaped_xpath; // Relative path if (!node_path) { faux_str_free(remaped_xpath); return NULL; } tmp = cut_front_ups(remaped_xpath, &up_num); compl_xpath = cut_trailing_components(node_path, up_num); if (!compl_xpath) { faux_str_free(remaped_xpath); return NULL; } faux_str_cat(&compl_xpath, tmp); faux_str_free(remaped_xpath); return compl_xpath; } static bool_t pline_parse_module(const struct lys_module *module, faux_argv_t *argv, pline_t *pline, pline_opts_t *opts) { faux_argv_node_t *arg = faux_argv_iter(argv); const struct lysc_node *node = NULL; char *rollback_xpath = NULL; size_t rollback_args_num = 0; size_t rollback_list_pos = 0; // Rollback is a mechanism to roll to previous node while // oneliners parsing bool_t rollback = BOOL_FALSE; pexpr_t *first_pexpr = NULL; // It's necessary because upper function can use the same pline object // for another modules before. It uses the same object to collect // possible completions. But pline is really invalid only when all // modules don't recognize argument. pline->invalid = BOOL_FALSE; do { pexpr_t *pexpr = pline_current_expr(pline); const char *str = (const char *)faux_argv_current(arg); bool_t is_rollback = rollback; bool_t next_arg = BOOL_TRUE; rollback = BOOL_FALSE; if (node && !is_rollback) { char *tmp = NULL; // Save rollback Xpath (for oneliners) before leaf node // Only leaf and leaf-list node allows to "rollback" // the path and add additional statements if (node->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) { faux_str_free(rollback_xpath); rollback_xpath = faux_str_dup(pexpr->xpath); rollback_args_num = pexpr->args_num; rollback_list_pos = pexpr->list_pos; } // Add current node to Xpath tmp = faux_str_sprintf("/%s:%s", node->module->name, node->name); faux_str_cat(&pexpr->xpath, tmp); faux_str_free(tmp); pexpr->args_num++; // Activate current expression. Because it really has // new component pexpr->active = BOOL_TRUE; } // Root of the module if (!node) { // Completion if (!str) { pline_add_compl_subtree(pline, module, node); break; } // Next element node = find_child(module->compiled->data, str); if (!node) break; // Container } else if (node->nodetype & LYS_CONTAINER) { pexpr->pat = PAT_CONTAINER; // Completion if (!str) { pline_add_compl_subtree(pline, module, node); break; } // Next element node = find_child(lysc_node_child(node), str); // List } else if (node->nodetype & LYS_LIST) { const struct lysc_node *iter = NULL; pexpr->pat = PAT_LIST; pexpr->list_pos = pexpr->args_num; faux_str_free(pexpr->last_keys); pexpr->last_keys = NULL; // Next element if (!is_rollback) { bool_t break_upper_loop = BOOL_FALSE; bool_t first_key = BOOL_TRUE; LY_LIST_FOR(lysc_node_child(node), iter) { char *tmp = NULL; char *escaped = NULL; struct lysc_node_leaf *leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf *)iter; if (!(iter->nodetype & LYS_LEAF)) continue; if (!(iter->flags & LYS_KEY)) continue; assert (leaf->type->basetype != LY_TYPE_EMPTY); // Parse statement if necessary if (opts->keys_w_stmt && (!first_key || (first_key && opts->first_key_w_stmt))) { // Completion if (!str) { pline_add_compl(pline, PCOMPL_NODE, iter, NULL); break_upper_loop = BOOL_TRUE; break; } pexpr->args_num++; faux_argv_each(&arg); str = (const char *)faux_argv_current(arg); pexpr->pat = PAT_LIST_KEY_INCOMPLETED; } first_key = BOOL_FALSE; // Completion if (!str) { char *tmp = NULL; char *compl_xpath = NULL; tmp = faux_str_sprintf("%s/%s", pexpr->xpath, leaf->name); pline_add_compl(pline, PCOMPL_TYPE, iter, tmp); compl_xpath = leafref_xpath(iter, tmp); if (compl_xpath) { pline_add_compl(pline, PCOMPL_TYPE, NULL, compl_xpath); faux_str_free(compl_xpath); } faux_str_free(tmp); break_upper_loop = BOOL_TRUE; break; } escaped = faux_str_c_esc(str); tmp = faux_str_sprintf("[%s=\"%s\"]", leaf->name, escaped); faux_str_free(escaped); faux_str_cat(&pexpr->xpath, tmp); faux_str_cat(&pexpr->last_keys, tmp); faux_str_free(tmp); pexpr->args_num++; faux_argv_each(&arg); str = (const char *)faux_argv_current(arg); pexpr->pat = PAT_LIST_KEY_INCOMPLETED; } if (break_upper_loop) break; } pexpr->pat = PAT_LIST_KEY; // Completion if (!str) { pline_add_compl_subtree(pline, module, node); break; } // Next element node = find_child(lysc_node_child(node), str); // Leaf } else if (node->nodetype & LYS_LEAF) { struct lysc_node_leaf *leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf *)node; // Next element if (LY_TYPE_EMPTY == leaf->type->basetype) { pexpr->pat = PAT_LEAF_EMPTY; // Completion if (!str) { pline_add_compl_subtree(pline, module, node->parent); break; } // Don't get next argument when argument is not // really consumed next_arg = BOOL_FALSE; } else { pexpr->pat = PAT_LEAF; // Completion if (!str) { char *compl_xpath = leafref_xpath(node, pexpr->xpath); pline_add_compl(pline, PCOMPL_TYPE, node, compl_xpath); faux_str_free(compl_xpath); break; } pexpr->pat = PAT_LEAF_VALUE; // Idenity must have prefix if (LY_TYPE_IDENT == leaf->type->basetype) { const char *prefix = NULL; prefix = identityref_prefix( (struct lysc_type_identityref *) leaf->type, str); if (prefix) pexpr->value = faux_str_sprintf( "%s:", prefix); } faux_str_cat(&pexpr->value, str); } // Expression was completed // So rollback (for oneliners) node = node->parent; pline_add_expr(pline, rollback_xpath, rollback_args_num, rollback_list_pos); rollback = BOOL_TRUE; // Leaf-list } else if (node->nodetype & LYS_LEAFLIST) { char *tmp = NULL; const char *prefix = NULL; struct lysc_node_leaflist *leaflist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist *)node; pexpr->pat = PAT_LEAFLIST; pexpr->list_pos = pexpr->args_num; faux_str_free(pexpr->last_keys); pexpr->last_keys = NULL; // Completion if (!str) { char *compl_xpath = leafref_xpath(node, pexpr->xpath); if (compl_xpath) { pline_add_compl(pline, PCOMPL_TYPE, NULL, compl_xpath); faux_str_free(compl_xpath); } pline_add_compl(pline, PCOMPL_TYPE, node, pexpr->xpath); break; } pexpr->pat = PAT_LEAFLIST_VALUE; // Idenity must have prefix if (LY_TYPE_IDENT == leaflist->type->basetype) { prefix = identityref_prefix( (struct lysc_type_identityref *) leaflist->type, str); } tmp = faux_str_sprintf("[.='%s%s%s']", prefix ? prefix : "", prefix ? ":" : "", str); faux_str_cat(&pexpr->xpath, tmp); faux_str_cat(&pexpr->last_keys, str); faux_str_free(tmp); pexpr->args_num++; // Expression was completed // So rollback (for oneliners) node = node->parent; pline_add_expr(pline, rollback_xpath, rollback_args_num, rollback_list_pos); rollback = BOOL_TRUE; // LYS_CHOICE and LYS_CASE can appear while rollback only } else if (node->nodetype & (LYS_CHOICE | LYS_CASE)) { // Don't set pexpr->pat because CHOICE and CASE can't // appear within data tree (schema only) // Completion if (!str) { pline_add_compl_subtree(pline, module, node); break; } // Next element node = find_child(lysc_node_child(node), str); } else { break; } // Current argument was not consumed. // Break before getting next arg. if (!node && !rollback) break; if (next_arg) faux_argv_each(&arg); } while (BOOL_TRUE); // There is not-consumed argument so whole pline is invalid if (faux_argv_current(arg)) pline->invalid = BOOL_TRUE; faux_str_free(rollback_xpath); first_pexpr = (pexpr_t *)faux_list_data(faux_list_head(pline->exprs)); if (!first_pexpr || !first_pexpr->xpath) return BOOL_FALSE; // Not found return BOOL_TRUE; } pline_t *pline_parse(sr_session_ctx_t *sess, faux_argv_t *argv, pline_opts_t *opts) { const struct ly_ctx *ctx = NULL; struct lys_module *module = NULL; pline_t *pline = NULL; uint32_t i = 0; faux_list_node_t *last_expr_node = NULL; assert(sess); if (!sess) return NULL; pline = pline_new(sess); if (!pline) return NULL; ctx = sr_session_acquire_context(pline->sess); if (!ctx) return NULL; // Iterate all modules i = 0; while ((module = ly_ctx_get_module_iter(ctx, &i))) { if (sr_module_is_internal(module)) continue; if (!module->compiled) continue; if (!module->implemented) continue; if (!module->compiled->data) continue; if (pline_parse_module(module, argv, pline, opts)) break; // Found } sr_session_release_context(pline->sess); // Last parsed expression can be inactive so remove it from list last_expr_node = faux_list_tail(pline->exprs); if (last_expr_node) { pexpr_t *expr = (pexpr_t *)faux_list_data(last_expr_node); if (!expr->active) faux_list_del(pline->exprs, last_expr_node); } return pline; } static void identityref(struct lysc_ident *ident) { LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; if (!ident) return; if (!ident->derived) { printf("%s\n", ident->name); return; } LY_ARRAY_FOR(ident->derived, u) { identityref(ident->derived[u]); } } static void pline_print_type_completions(const struct lysc_type *type) { assert(type); switch (type->basetype) { case LY_TYPE_BOOL: { printf("true\nfalse\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_ENUM: { const struct lysc_type_enum *t = (const struct lysc_type_enum *)type; LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; LY_ARRAY_FOR(t->enums, u) { printf("%s\n",t->enums[u].name); } break; } case LY_TYPE_IDENT: { struct lysc_type_identityref *t = (struct lysc_type_identityref *)type; LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; LY_ARRAY_FOR(t->bases, u) { identityref(t->bases[u]); } break; } case LY_TYPE_UNION: { struct lysc_type_union *t = (struct lysc_type_union *)type; LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; LY_ARRAY_FOR(t->types, u) { pline_print_type_completions(t->types[u]); } break; } default: break; } } static void pline_print_type_help(const struct lysc_node *node, const struct lysc_type *type) { assert(type); if ((type->basetype != LY_TYPE_UNION) && (type->basetype != LY_TYPE_LEAFREF)) printf("%s\n", node->name); switch (type->basetype) { case LY_TYPE_UINT8: { printf("Unsigned integer 8bit\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_UINT16: { printf("Unsigned integer 16bit\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_UINT32: { printf("Unsigned integer 32bit\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_UINT64: { printf("Unsigned integer 64bit\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_INT8: { printf("Integer 8bit\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_INT16: { printf("Integer 16bit\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_INT32: { printf("Integer 32bit\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_INT64: { printf("Integer 64bit\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_STRING: { printf("String\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_BOOL: { printf("Boolean true/false\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_DEC64: { printf("Signed decimal number\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_ENUM: { printf("Enumerated choice\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_IDENT: { printf("Identity\n"); break; } case LY_TYPE_UNION: { struct lysc_type_union *t = (struct lysc_type_union *)type; LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; LY_ARRAY_FOR(t->types, u) { pline_print_type_help(node, t->types[u]); } break; } case LY_TYPE_LEAFREF: { struct lysc_type_leafref *t = (struct lysc_type_leafref *)type; pline_print_type_help(node, t->realtype); } break; default: printf("Unknown\n"); break; } } void pline_print_completions(const pline_t *pline, bool_t help) { faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; pcompl_t *pcompl = NULL; iter = faux_list_head(pline->compls); while ((pcompl = (pcompl_t *)faux_list_each(&iter))) { struct lysc_type *type = NULL; const struct lysc_node *node = pcompl->node; if (pcompl->xpath && !help) { sr_val_t *vals = NULL; size_t val_num = 0; size_t i = 0; //printf("%s\n", pcompl->xpath); sr_get_items(pline->sess, pcompl->xpath, 0, 0, &vals, &val_num); for (i = 0; i < val_num; i++) { char *tmp = sr_val_to_str(&vals[i]); if (!tmp) continue; printf("%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); } sr_free_values(vals, val_num); } if (!node) continue; // Node if (PCOMPL_NODE == pcompl->type) { printf("%s\n", node->name); if (help) { if (!node->dsc) { printf("%s\n", node->name); } else { char *dsc = faux_str_getline(node->dsc, NULL); printf("%s\n", dsc); faux_str_free(dsc); } } continue; } // Type if (node->nodetype & LYS_LEAF) type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf *)node)->type; else if (node->nodetype & LYS_LEAFLIST) type = ((struct lysc_node_leaflist *)node)->type; else continue; if (help) pline_print_type_help(node, type); else pline_print_type_completions(type); } }