#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pline.h" #include "private.h" static void show_container(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts); static void show_list(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts); static void show_leaf(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts); static void show_leaflist(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts); static void show_node(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts); static enum diff_op str2diff_op(const char *str); // Get extension by name static bool_t klysc_ext(const struct lysc_ext_instance *exts, const char *module, const char *name, const char **argument) { LY_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE u = 0; if (!exts) return BOOL_FALSE; LY_ARRAY_FOR(exts, u) { const struct lysc_ext_instance *ext = &exts[u]; //syslog(LOG_ERR, "mod: %s, ext: %s", ext->def->module->name, ext->def->name); if (faux_str_cmp(ext->def->module->name, module) != 0) continue; if (faux_str_cmp(ext->def->name, name) != 0) continue; if (argument) *argument = ext->argument; return BOOL_TRUE; } return BOOL_FALSE; } // Get extension by name bool_t klysc_node_ext(const struct lysc_node *node, const char *module, const char *name, const char **argument) { if (!node) return BOOL_FALSE; if (klysc_ext(node->exts, module, name, argument)) return BOOL_TRUE; return BOOL_FALSE; } bool_t klysc_node_ext_is_password(const struct lysc_node *node) { return klysc_node_ext(node, "klish", "password", NULL); } const char *klysc_node_ext_completion(const struct lysc_node *node) { const char *xpath = NULL; klysc_node_ext(node, "klish", "completion", &xpath); return xpath; } static char *get_value(const struct lyd_node *node) { const struct lysc_node *schema = NULL; const struct lysc_type *type = NULL; const char *origin_value = NULL; char *space = NULL; char *escaped = NULL; char *result = NULL; if (!node) return NULL; schema = node->schema; if (!(schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) return NULL; if (schema->nodetype & LYS_LEAF) type = ((const struct lysc_node_leaf *)schema)->type; else type = ((const struct lysc_node_leaflist *)schema)->type; if (type->basetype != LY_TYPE_IDENT) { origin_value = lyd_get_value(node); } else { // Identity const struct lyd_value *value = NULL; value = &((const struct lyd_node_term *)node)->value; origin_value = value->ident->name; } escaped = faux_str_c_esc(origin_value); // String with space must have quotes space = strchr(origin_value, ' '); if (space) { result = faux_str_sprintf("\"%s\"", escaped); faux_str_free(escaped); } else { result = escaped; } return result; } static const char *diff_prefix(enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { bool_t c = opts->colorize; if (DIFF_OP_CREATE == op) return c ? "\x1b[32m+" : "+"; else if (DIFF_OP_DELETE == op) return c ? "\x1b[31m-" : "-"; else if (DIFF_OP_REPLACE == op) return c ? "\x1b[33m=" : "="; return ""; } static const char *diff_suffix(enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { if (opts->colorize && (DIFF_OP_NONE != op)) return "\x1b[0m"; return ""; } static void show_container(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { char begin_bracket[3] = {' ', opts->begin_bracket, '\0'}; if (!node) return; printf("%s%*s%s%s%s\n", diff_prefix(op, opts), (int)(level * opts->indent), "", node->schema->name, opts->show_brackets ? begin_bracket : "", diff_suffix(op, opts)); show_subtree(lyd_child(node), level + 1, op, opts); if (opts->show_brackets) { printf("%s%*s%c%s\n", diff_prefix(op, opts), (int)(level * opts->indent), "", opts->end_bracket, diff_suffix(op, opts)); } } static void show_list(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { char begin_bracket[3] = {' ', opts->begin_bracket, '\0'}; size_t keys_num = 0; const struct lyd_node *iter = NULL; bool_t first_key = BOOL_TRUE; if (!node) return; printf("%s%*s%s", diff_prefix(op, opts), (int)(level * opts->indent), "", node->schema->name); LY_LIST_FOR(lyd_child(node), iter) { char *value = NULL; if (!(iter->schema->nodetype & LYS_LEAF)) continue; if (!(iter->schema->flags & LYS_KEY)) continue; if (opts->keys_w_stmt && (!first_key || (first_key && opts->first_key_w_stmt))) printf(" %s", iter->schema->name); value = get_value(iter); printf(" %s", value); faux_str_free(value); first_key = BOOL_FALSE; } printf("%s%s\n", opts->show_brackets ? begin_bracket : "", diff_suffix(op, opts)); show_subtree(lyd_child(node), level + 1, op, opts); if (opts->show_brackets) { printf("%s%*s%c%s\n", diff_prefix(op, opts), (int)(level * opts->indent), "", opts->end_bracket, diff_suffix(op, opts)); } } static void show_leaf(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { struct lysc_node_leaf *leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf *)node; if (!node) return; if (node->schema->flags & LYS_KEY) return; printf("%s%*s%s", diff_prefix(op, opts), (int)(level * opts->indent), "", node->schema->name); leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf *)node->schema; if (leaf->type->basetype != LY_TYPE_EMPTY) { if (opts->hide_passwords && klysc_node_ext_is_password(node->schema)) { printf(" "); } else { char *value = get_value(node); printf(" %s", value); faux_str_free(value); } } printf("%s%s\n", opts->show_semicolons ? ";" : "", diff_suffix(op, opts)); } static void show_leaflist(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { char *value = NULL; if (!node) return; value = get_value(node); printf("%s%*s%s %s%s%s\n", diff_prefix(op, opts), (int)(level * opts->indent), "", node->schema->name, value, opts->show_semicolons ? ";" : "", diff_suffix(op, opts)); faux_str_free(value); } static void show_node(const struct lyd_node *node, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { const struct lysc_node *schema = NULL; struct lyd_meta *meta = NULL; enum diff_op cur_op = op; if (!node) return; if (node->flags & LYD_DEFAULT) return; schema = node->schema; if (!schema) return; if (!(schema->nodetype & SRP_NODETYPE_CONF)) return; if (!(schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) return; meta = lyd_find_meta(node->meta, NULL, "yang:operation"); if (meta) cur_op = str2diff_op(lyd_get_meta_value(meta)); // Container if (schema->nodetype & LYS_CONTAINER) { show_container(node, level, cur_op, opts); // List } else if (schema->nodetype & LYS_LIST) { show_list(node, level, cur_op, opts); // Leaf } else if (schema->nodetype & LYS_LEAF) { show_leaf(node, level, cur_op, opts); // Leaf-list } else if (schema->nodetype & LYS_LEAFLIST) { show_leaflist(node, level, cur_op, opts); } else { return; } } static void show_sorted_list(faux_list_t *list, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; const struct lyd_node *lyd = NULL; if (!list) return; iter = faux_list_head(list); while ((lyd = (const struct lyd_node *)faux_list_each(&iter))) show_node(lyd, level, op, opts); } static char *list_keys_str(const struct lyd_node *node) { char *keys = NULL; const struct lyd_node *iter = NULL; if (!node) return NULL; if (node->schema->nodetype != LYS_LIST) return NULL; LY_LIST_FOR(lyd_child(node), iter) { if (!(iter->schema->nodetype & LYS_LEAF)) continue; if (!(iter->schema->flags & LYS_KEY)) continue; if (keys) faux_str_cat(&keys, " "); faux_str_cat(&keys, lyd_get_value(iter)); } return keys; } static int list_compare(const void *first, const void *second) { int rc = 0; const struct lyd_node *f = (const struct lyd_node *)first; const struct lyd_node *s = (const struct lyd_node *)second; char *f_keys = list_keys_str(f); char *s_keys = list_keys_str(s); rc = faux_str_numcmp(f_keys, s_keys); faux_str_free(f_keys); faux_str_free(s_keys); return rc; } static int leaflist_compare(const void *first, const void *second) { const struct lyd_node *f = (const struct lyd_node *)first; const struct lyd_node *s = (const struct lyd_node *)second; return faux_str_numcmp(lyd_get_value(f), lyd_get_value(s)); } void show_subtree(const struct lyd_node *nodes_list, size_t level, enum diff_op op, pline_opts_t *opts) { const struct lyd_node *iter = NULL; faux_list_t *list = NULL; const struct lysc_node *saved_lysc = NULL; if(!nodes_list) return; LY_LIST_FOR(nodes_list, iter) { if (saved_lysc) { if (saved_lysc == iter->schema) { faux_list_add(list, (void *)iter); continue; } show_sorted_list(list, level, op, opts); faux_list_free(list); list = NULL; saved_lysc = NULL; } if (((LYS_LIST == iter->schema->nodetype) || (LYS_LEAFLIST == iter->schema->nodetype)) && (iter->schema->flags & LYS_ORDBY_SYSTEM)) { saved_lysc = iter->schema; if (LYS_LIST == iter->schema->nodetype) { list = faux_list_new(FAUX_LIST_SORTED, FAUX_LIST_UNIQUE, list_compare, NULL, NULL); } else { // LEAFLIST list = faux_list_new(FAUX_LIST_SORTED, FAUX_LIST_UNIQUE, leaflist_compare, NULL, NULL); } faux_list_add(list, (void *)iter); continue; } show_node(iter, level, op, opts); } if (list) { show_sorted_list(list, level, op, opts); faux_list_free(list); } } bool_t show_xpath(sr_session_ctx_t *sess, const char *xpath, pline_opts_t *opts) { sr_data_t *data = NULL; struct lyd_node *nodes_list = NULL; assert(sess); if (xpath) { if (sr_get_subtree(sess, xpath, 0, &data) != SR_ERR_OK) return BOOL_FALSE; nodes_list = lyd_child(data->tree); } else { if (sr_get_data(sess, "/*", 0, 0, 0, &data) != SR_ERR_OK) return BOOL_FALSE; nodes_list = data->tree; } show_subtree(nodes_list, 0, DIFF_OP_NONE, opts); sr_release_data(data); return BOOL_TRUE; } static enum diff_op str2diff_op(const char *str) { if (!strcmp(str, "create")) return DIFF_OP_CREATE; else if (!strcmp(str, "delete")) return DIFF_OP_DELETE; else if (!strcmp(str, "replace")) return DIFF_OP_REPLACE; return DIFF_OP_NONE; }