/** @file kexec.c */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PTMX_PATH "/dev/ptmx" // Declaration of grabber. Implementation is in the grabber.c void grabber(int fds[][2]); struct kexec_s { faux_list_t *contexts; bool_t dry_run; int stdin; int stdout; int stderr; faux_buf_t *bufin; faux_buf_t *bufout; faux_buf_t *buferr; kpath_t *saved_path; }; // Dry-run KGET_BOOL(exec, dry_run); KSET_BOOL(exec, dry_run); // STDIN KGET(exec, int, stdin); KSET(exec, int, stdin); // STDOUT KGET(exec, int, stdout); KSET(exec, int, stdout); // STDERR KGET(exec, int, stderr); KSET(exec, int, stderr); // BufIN KGET(exec, faux_buf_t *, bufin); KSET(exec, faux_buf_t *, bufin); // BufOUT KGET(exec, faux_buf_t *, bufout); KSET(exec, faux_buf_t *, bufout); // BufERR KGET(exec, faux_buf_t *, buferr); KSET(exec, faux_buf_t *, buferr); // Saved path KGET(exec, kpath_t *, saved_path); // CONTEXT list KADD_NESTED(exec, kcontext_t *, contexts); KNESTED_LEN(exec, contexts); KNESTED_IS_EMPTY(exec, contexts); KNESTED_ITER(exec, contexts); KNESTED_EACH(exec, kcontext_t *, contexts); kexec_t *kexec_new() { kexec_t *exec = NULL; exec = faux_zmalloc(sizeof(*exec)); assert(exec); if (!exec) return NULL; exec->dry_run = BOOL_FALSE; exec->saved_path = NULL; // List of execute contexts exec->contexts = faux_list_new(FAUX_LIST_UNSORTED, FAUX_LIST_NONUNIQUE, NULL, NULL, (void (*)(void *))kcontext_free); assert(exec->contexts); // I/O exec->stdin = -1; exec->stdout = -1; exec->stderr = -1; exec->bufin = faux_buf_new(0); exec->bufout = faux_buf_new(0); exec->buferr = faux_buf_new(0); return exec; } void kexec_free(kexec_t *exec) { if (!exec) return; faux_list_free(exec->contexts); if (exec->stdin != -1) close(exec->stdin); if (exec->stdout != -1) close(exec->stdout); if (exec->stderr != -1) close(exec->stderr); faux_buf_free(exec->bufin); faux_buf_free(exec->bufout); faux_buf_free(exec->buferr); kpath_free(exec->saved_path); free(exec); } size_t kexec_len(const kexec_t *exec) { assert(exec); if (!exec) return 0; return faux_list_len(exec->contexts); } size_t kexec_is_empty(const kexec_t *exec) { assert(exec); if (!exec) return 0; return faux_list_is_empty(exec->contexts); } // kexec is done when all the kexec's contexts are done bool_t kexec_done(const kexec_t *exec) { faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; kcontext_t *context = NULL; assert(exec); if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; iter = kexec_contexts_iter(exec); while ((context = kexec_contexts_each(&iter))) { if (!kcontext_done(context)) return BOOL_FALSE; } return BOOL_TRUE; } // Retcode of kexec is a retcode of its first context execution because // next contexts just a filters. Retcode valid if kexec is done. Else current // retcode is non-valid and will not be returned at all. bool_t kexec_retcode(const kexec_t *exec, int *status) { assert(exec); if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; if (kexec_is_empty(exec)) return BOOL_FALSE; if (!kexec_done(exec)) // Unfinished execution return BOOL_FALSE; if (status) *status = kcontext_retcode( (kcontext_t *)faux_list_data(faux_list_head(exec->contexts))); return BOOL_TRUE; } bool_t kexec_path_is_changed(const kexec_t *exec) { kpath_t *path = NULL; kcontext_t *context = NULL; assert(exec); if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; context = (kcontext_t *)faux_list_data(faux_list_head(exec->contexts)); path = ksession_path(kcontext_session(context)); if (kpath_is_equal(exec->saved_path, path)) return BOOL_FALSE; return BOOL_TRUE; } bool_t kexec_add(kexec_t *exec, kcontext_t *context) { assert(exec); assert(context); if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; if (!context) return BOOL_FALSE; if (!faux_list_add(exec->contexts, context)) return BOOL_FALSE; return BOOL_TRUE; } bool_t kexec_set_winsize(kexec_t *exec) { int fd = -1; size_t width = 0; size_t height = 0; struct winsize ws = {}; int res = -1; kcontext_t *context = NULL; ksession_t *session = NULL; if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; if (!kexec_interactive(exec)) return BOOL_FALSE; fd = kexec_stdin(exec); if (fd < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; if (!isatty(fd)) return BOOL_FALSE; context = (kcontext_t *)faux_list_data(faux_list_head(exec->contexts)); if (!context) return BOOL_FALSE; session = kcontext_session(context); if (!session) return BOOL_FALSE; // Set pseudo terminal window size width = ksession_term_width(session); height = ksession_term_height(session); if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) return BOOL_FALSE; ws.ws_col = (unsigned short)width; ws.ws_row = (unsigned short)height; res = ioctl(fd, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws); if (res < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; return BOOL_TRUE; } static bool_t kexec_prepare(kexec_t *exec) { int pipefd[2] = {}; faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; int global_stderr = -1; int fflags = 0; assert(exec); if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; // Nothing to prepare for empty list if (kexec_contexts_is_empty(exec)) return BOOL_FALSE; // If command is interactive then prepare pseudoterminal. Note // interactive commands can't have filters if (kexec_interactive(exec)) { int pts = -1; int ptm = -1; char *pts_name = NULL; kcontext_t *context = (kcontext_t *)faux_list_data( faux_list_head(exec->contexts)); ptm = open(PTMX_PATH, O_RDWR, O_NOCTTY); if (ptm < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; // Set O_NONBLOCK flag here. Because this flag is ignored while // open() ptmx. I don't know why. fcntl() is working fine. fflags = fcntl(ptm, F_GETFL); fcntl(ptm, F_SETFL, fflags | O_NONBLOCK); grantpt(ptm); unlockpt(ptm); pts_name = ptsname(ptm); // Open client side (pts) of pseudo terminal. It's necessary for // sync action execution. Additionally open descriptor makes // action (from child) to don't send SIGHUP on terminal handler. pts = open(pts_name, O_RDWR, O_NOCTTY); if (pts < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; kexec_set_stdin(exec, ptm); kexec_set_stdout(exec, ptm); kexec_set_stderr(exec, ptm); kcontext_set_stdin(context, pts); kcontext_set_stdout(context, pts); kcontext_set_stderr(context, pts); // In a case of pseudo-terminal the pts // must be reopened later in the child after setsid(). So just // save filename of pts. kcontext_set_pts_fname(context, pts_name); // Set pseudo terminal window size kexec_set_winsize(exec); return BOOL_TRUE; } // Create "global" stdin, stdout, stderr for the whole job execution. // STDIN if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; kcontext_set_stdin(faux_list_data(faux_list_head(exec->contexts)), pipefd[0]); // Read end kexec_set_stdin(exec, pipefd[1]); // Write end // STDOUT if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; // Read end of 'stdout' pipe must be non-blocked fflags = fcntl(pipefd[0], F_GETFL); fcntl(pipefd[0], F_SETFL, fflags | O_NONBLOCK); kexec_set_stdout(exec, pipefd[0]); // Read end kcontext_set_stdout(faux_list_data(faux_list_tail(exec->contexts)), pipefd[1]); // Write end // STDERR if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; // Read end of 'stderr' pipe must be non-blocked fflags = fcntl(pipefd[0], F_GETFL); fcntl(pipefd[0], F_SETFL, fflags | O_NONBLOCK); kexec_set_stderr(exec, pipefd[0]); // Read end // STDERR write end will be set to all list members as stderr global_stderr = pipefd[1]; // Write end // Iterate all context_t elements to fill all stdin, stdout, stderr for (iter = faux_list_head(exec->contexts); iter; iter = faux_list_next_node(iter)) { faux_list_node_t *next = faux_list_next_node(iter); kcontext_t *context = (kcontext_t *)faux_list_data(iter); // The first context is a context of main command. The other // contexts are contexts of filters. So save current path from // first context. if (iter == faux_list_head(exec->contexts)) { ksession_t *session = kcontext_session(context); if (session && ksession_path(session)) exec->saved_path = kpath_clone( ksession_path(session)); } // Set the same STDERR to all contexts kcontext_set_stderr(context, global_stderr); // Create pipes beetween processes if (next) { kcontext_t *next_context = (kcontext_t *)faux_list_data(next); if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; kcontext_set_stdout(context, pipefd[1]); // Write end kcontext_set_stdin(next_context, pipefd[0]); // Read end } } return BOOL_TRUE; } // === SYNC symbol execution // The function will be executed right here. It's necessary for // navigation implementation for example. To grab function output the // service process will be forked. It gets output and stores it to the // internal buffer. After sym function return grabber will write // buffered data back. So grabber will simulate async sym execution. static bool_t exec_action_sync(kcontext_t *context, const kaction_t *action, pid_t *pid, int *retcode) { ksym_fn fn = NULL; int exitcode = 0; pid_t child_pid = -1; int pipe_stdout[2] = {}; int pipe_stderr[2] = {}; // Create pipes beetween sym function and grabber if (pipe(pipe_stdout) < 0) return BOOL_FALSE; if (pipe(pipe_stderr) < 0) { close(pipe_stdout[0]); close(pipe_stdout[1]); return BOOL_FALSE; } fn = ksym_function(kaction_sym(action)); // Prepare streams before fork fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); // Fork the grabber child_pid = fork(); if (child_pid == -1) { close(pipe_stdout[0]); close(pipe_stdout[1]); close(pipe_stderr[0]); close(pipe_stderr[1]); return BOOL_FALSE; } // Parent if (child_pid != 0) { int saved_stdout = -1; int saved_stderr = -1; // Save pid of grabber if (pid) *pid = child_pid; // Temporarily replace orig output streams by pipe // stdout saved_stdout = dup(STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(pipe_stdout[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(pipe_stdout[0]); close(pipe_stdout[1]); // stderr saved_stderr = dup(STDERR_FILENO); dup2(pipe_stderr[1], STDERR_FILENO); close(pipe_stderr[0]); close(pipe_stderr[1]); // Execute sym function right here exitcode = fn(context); if (retcode) *retcode = exitcode; // Restore orig output streams // stdout fflush(stdout); dup2(saved_stdout, STDOUT_FILENO); close(saved_stdout); // stderr fflush(stderr); dup2(saved_stderr, STDERR_FILENO); close(saved_stderr); return BOOL_TRUE; } // Child (Output grabber) close(pipe_stdout[1]); close(pipe_stderr[1]); { int fds[][2] = { {pipe_stdout[0], kcontext_stdout(context)}, {pipe_stderr[0], kcontext_stderr(context)}, {-1, -1}, }; grabber(fds); } close(pipe_stdout[0]); close(pipe_stderr[0]); _exit(0); return BOOL_TRUE; } // === ASYNC symbol execution // The process will be forked and sym will be executed there. // The parent will save forked process's pid and immediately return // control to event loop which will get forked process stdout and // wait for process termination. static bool_t exec_action_async(kcontext_t *context, const kaction_t *action, pid_t *pid) { ksym_fn fn = NULL; int exitcode = 0; pid_t child_pid = -1; int i = 0; int fdmax = 0; const char *pts_fname = NULL; sigset_t sigs = {}; fn = ksym_function(kaction_sym(action)); // Oh, it's amazing world of stdio! // Flush buffers before fork() because buffer content will be inherited // by child. Moreover dup2() can replace old stdout file descriptor by // the new one but buffer linked with stdout stream will remain the same. // It must be empty. fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); child_pid = fork(); if (child_pid == -1) return BOOL_FALSE; // Parent // Save the child pid and return control. Later event loop will wait // for saved pid. if (child_pid != 0) { if (pid) *pid = child_pid; return BOOL_TRUE; } // Child // Unblock signals sigemptyset(&sigs); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigs, NULL); if ((pts_fname = kcontext_pts_fname(context)) != NULL) { int fd = -1; setsid(); fd = open(pts_fname, O_RDWR, 0); if (fd < 0) _exit(-1); dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); } else { dup2(kcontext_stdin(context), STDIN_FILENO); dup2(kcontext_stdout(context), STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(kcontext_stderr(context), STDERR_FILENO); } // Close all inherited fds except stdin, stdout, stderr fdmax = (int)sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); for (i = (STDERR_FILENO + 1); i < fdmax; i++) close(i); exitcode = fn(context); // We will use _exit() later so stdio streams will remain unflushed. // Some output data can be lost. Flush necessary streams here. fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); // Use _exit() but not exit() to don't flush all the stdio streams. It // can be dangerous because parent can have a lot of streams inhereted // by child process. _exit(exitcode); return BOOL_TRUE; } static bool_t exec_action(kcontext_t *context, const kaction_t *action, pid_t *pid, int *retcode) { assert(context); if (!context) return BOOL_FALSE; assert(action); if (!action) return BOOL_FALSE; if (kaction_is_sync(action)) return exec_action_sync(context, action, pid, retcode); return exec_action_async(context, action, pid); } static bool_t exec_action_sequence(const kexec_t *exec, kcontext_t *context, pid_t pid, int wstatus) { faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; int exitstatus = WEXITSTATUS(wstatus); pid_t new_pid = -1; // PID of newly forked ACTION process assert(context); if (!context) return BOOL_FALSE; // There is two reasons to don't start any real actions. // - The ACTION sequence is already done; // - Passed PID (PID of completed process) is not owned by this context. // Returns false that indicates this PID is not mine. if (kcontext_done(context) || (kcontext_pid(context) != pid)) return BOOL_FALSE; // Here we know that given PID is our PID iter = kcontext_action_iter(context); // Get saved current ACTION // ASYNC: Compute new value for retcode. // Here iter is a pointer to previous action but not new. // It's for async actions only. Sync actions will change global // retcode after the exec_action() invocation. if (iter) { const kaction_t *terminated_action = faux_list_data(iter); assert(terminated_action); if (!kaction_is_sync(terminated_action) && kaction_update_retcode(terminated_action)) kcontext_set_retcode(context, exitstatus); } // Loop is needed because some ACTIONs will be skipped due to specified // execution conditions. So try next actions. do { const kaction_t *action = NULL; bool_t is_sync = BOOL_FALSE; // Get next ACTION from sequence if (!iter) { // Is it the first ACTION within list faux_list_t *actions = kentry_actions(kpargv_command(kcontext_pargv(context))); assert(actions); iter = faux_list_head(actions); } else { iter = faux_list_next_node(iter); } kcontext_set_action_iter(context, iter); // Is it end of ACTION sequence? if (!iter) { kcontext_set_done(context, BOOL_TRUE); // Close the stdout of finished ACTION sequence to inform // process next in pipe about EOF. Else filter will not // stop at all. close(kcontext_stdout(context)); kcontext_set_stdout(context, -1); return BOOL_TRUE; } // Get new ACTION to execute action = (const kaction_t *)faux_list_data(iter); assert(action); // Check for previous retcode to find out if next command must // be executed or skipped. if (!kaction_meet_exec_conditions(action, kcontext_retcode(context))) continue; // Skip action, try next one // Check for dry-run flag and 'permanent' feature of ACTION. if (kexec_dry_run(exec) && !kaction_is_permanent(action)) { is_sync = BOOL_TRUE; // Simulate sync action exitstatus = 0; // Exit status while dry-run is always 0 } else { // Normal execution is_sync = kaction_is_sync(action); exec_action(context, action, &new_pid, &exitstatus); } // SYNC: Compute new value for retcode. // Sync actions return retcode immediatelly. Their forked // processes are for output handling only. if (is_sync && kaction_update_retcode(action)) kcontext_set_retcode(context, exitstatus); } while (-1 == new_pid); // PID is not -1 when new process was forked // Save PID of newly created process kcontext_set_pid(context, new_pid); return BOOL_TRUE; } bool_t kexec_continue_command_execution(kexec_t *exec, pid_t pid, int wstatus) { faux_list_node_t *iter = NULL; kcontext_t *context = NULL; assert(exec); if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; iter = kexec_contexts_iter(exec); while ((context = kexec_contexts_each(&iter))) { bool_t found = BOOL_FALSE; found = exec_action_sequence(exec, context, pid, wstatus); if (found && (pid != -1)) break; } return BOOL_TRUE; } bool_t kexec_exec(kexec_t *exec) { kcontext_t *context = NULL; const kpargv_t *pargv = NULL; const kentry_t *entry = NULL; bool_t restore = BOOL_FALSE; assert(exec); if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; // Firsly prepare kexec object for execution. The file streams must // be created for stdin, stdout, stderr of processes. if (!kexec_prepare(exec)) return BOOL_FALSE; // Pre-change VIEW if command has "restore" flag. Only first command in // line (if many commands are piped) matters. Filters can't change the // VIEW. context = (kcontext_t *)faux_list_data(faux_list_head(exec->contexts)); pargv = kcontext_pargv(context); entry = kpargv_command(pargv); if (entry) restore = kentry_restore(entry); if (restore) { size_t level = kpargv_level(pargv); kpath_t *path = ksession_path(kcontext_session(context)); while(kpath_len(path) > (level + 1)) kpath_pop(path); } // Here no ACTIONs are executing, so pass -1 as pid of terminated // ACTION's process. kexec_continue_command_execution(exec, -1, 0); return BOOL_TRUE; } bool_t kexec_interactive(const kexec_t *exec) { faux_list_node_t *node = NULL; kcontext_t *context = NULL; const kentry_t *entry = NULL; assert(exec); if (!exec) return BOOL_FALSE; // Only the ACTION of first context can be interactive node = faux_list_head(exec->contexts); if (!node) return BOOL_FALSE; context = (kcontext_t *)faux_list_data(node); if (!context) return BOOL_FALSE; entry = kcontext_command(context); if (!entry) return BOOL_FALSE; return kentry_interactive(entry); }