/* * view.c * * This file provides the implementation of a view class */ #include "private.h" #include "lub/argv.h" #include "lub/string.h" #include "lub/ctype.h" #include "lub/list.h" #include #include #include #include /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ int clish_view_compare(const void *first, const void *second) { const clish_view_t *f = (const clish_view_t *)first; const clish_view_t *s = (const clish_view_t *)second; return strcmp(f->name, s->name); } /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ static void clish_view_init(clish_view_t * this, const char *name) { this->name = lub_string_dup(name); this->prompt = NULL; this->depth = 0; this->restore = CLISH_RESTORE_NONE; this->access = NULL; /* Init COMMAND list */ this->cmds = lub_list_new(clish_command_compare, clish_command_delete); /* Init VAR list */ this->vars = lub_list_new(clish_var_compare, clish_var_delete); /* Initialise the list of NAMESPACEs. * It's important to add new items to the * tail of list. */ this->nspaces = lub_list_new(NULL, clish_nspace_delete); /* Initialize hotkey structures */ this->hotkeys = clish_hotkeyv_new(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void clish_view_fini(clish_view_t * this) { /* Free COMMAND list */ lub_list_free_all(this->cmds); /* Free VAR list */ lub_list_free_all(this->vars); /* Free NAMESPACE list */ lub_list_free_all(this->nspaces); /* Free hotkey structures */ clish_hotkeyv_delete(this->hotkeys); lub_string_free(this->name); lub_string_free(this->prompt); lub_string_free(this->access); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ clish_view_t *clish_view_new(const char *name) { clish_view_t *this = malloc(sizeof(clish_view_t)); if (this) clish_view_init(this, name); return this; } /*-------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_view_delete(void *data) { clish_view_t *this = (clish_view_t *)data; clish_view_fini(this); free(this); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create new command and add it to list of commands */ clish_command_t *clish_view_new_command(clish_view_t *this, const char *name, const char *help) { clish_command_t *cmd = clish_command_new(name, help); assert(cmd); clish_command__set_pview(cmd, this); if (!lub_list_add_uniq(this->cmds, cmd)) { clish_command_delete(cmd); cmd = NULL; } return cmd; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This method identifies the command (if any) which provides * the longest match with the specified line of text. * * NB this comparison is case insensitive. * * this - the view instance upon which to operate * line - the command line to analyse */ clish_command_t *clish_view_resolve_prefix(clish_view_t *this, const char *line, bool_t inherit) { clish_command_t *result = NULL, *cmd; char *buffer = NULL; lub_argv_t *argv; unsigned int i; /* create a vector of arguments */ argv = lub_argv_new(line, 0); for (i = 0; i < lub_argv__get_count(argv); i++) { /* set our buffer to be that of the first "i" arguments */ lub_string_cat(&buffer, lub_argv__get_arg(argv, i)); /* set the result to the longest match */ cmd = clish_view_find_command(this, buffer, inherit); /* job done */ if (!cmd) break; result = cmd; /* ready for the next word */ lub_string_cat(&buffer, " "); } /* free up our dynamic storage */ lub_string_free(buffer); lub_argv_delete(argv); return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ clish_command_t *clish_view_resolve_command(clish_view_t *this, const char *line, bool_t inherit) { clish_command_t *result = clish_view_resolve_prefix(this, line, inherit); if (result) { clish_action_t *action = clish_command__get_action(result); clish_config_t *config = clish_command__get_config(result); if (!clish_action__get_script(action) && (!clish_action__get_builtin(action)) && (CLISH_CONFIG_NONE == clish_config__get_op(config)) && (!clish_command__get_param_count(result)) && (!clish_command__get_viewname(result))) { /* if this doesn't do anything we've * not resolved a command */ result = NULL; } } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ clish_command_t *clish_view_find_command(clish_view_t *this, const char *name, bool_t inherit) { clish_command_t *result = NULL; /* Search the current view */ result = lub_list_find(this->cmds, clish_command_fn_find_by_name, name); if (inherit) { lub_list_node_t *iter; clish_command_t *cmd; clish_nspace_t *nspace; /* Iterate elements. It's important to iterate * items starting from tail because the next * NAMESPACE has higher priority than previous one * in a case then the both NAMESPACEs have the * commands with the same name. */ for(iter = lub_list__get_tail(this->nspaces); iter; iter = lub_list_node__get_prev(iter)) { nspace = (clish_nspace_t *)lub_list_node__get_data(iter); cmd = clish_nspace_find_command(nspace, name); /* Choose the longest match */ result = clish_command_choose_longest(result, cmd); } } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static const clish_command_t *find_next_completion(clish_view_t * this, const char *iter_cmd, const char *line) { #if 0 // WORK clish_command_t *cmd; const char *name = ""; lub_argv_t *largv; unsigned words; /* build an argument vector for the line */ largv = lub_argv_new(line, 0); words = lub_argv__get_count(largv); /* account for trailing space */ if (!*line || lub_ctype_isspace(line[strlen(line) - 1])) words++; if (iter_cmd) name = iter_cmd; while ((cmd = lub_bintree_findnext(&this->tree, name))) { name = clish_command__get_name(cmd); if (words == lub_string_wordcount(name)) { /* only bother with commands of which this line is a prefix */ /* this is a completion */ if (lub_string_nocasestr(name, line) == name) break; } } /* clean up the dynamic memory */ lub_argv_delete(largv); return cmd; #endif return NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ const clish_command_t *clish_view_find_next_completion(clish_view_t * this, const char *iter_cmd, const char *line, clish_nspace_visibility_e field, bool_t inherit) { const clish_command_t *result, *cmd; clish_nspace_t *nspace; lub_list_node_t *iter; /* ask local view for next command */ result = find_next_completion(this, iter_cmd, line); if (!inherit) return result; /* ask the imported namespaces for next command */ /* Iterate elements */ for(iter = lub_list__get_tail(this->nspaces); iter; iter = lub_list_node__get_prev(iter)) { nspace = (clish_nspace_t *)lub_list_node__get_data(iter); if (!clish_nspace__get_visibility(nspace, field)) continue; cmd = clish_nspace_find_next_completion(nspace, iter_cmd, line, field); if (clish_command_diff(result, cmd) > 0) result = cmd; } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_view_insert_nspace(clish_view_t * this, clish_nspace_t * nspace) { lub_list_add(this->nspaces, nspace); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_view_clean_proxy(clish_view_t * this) { lub_list_node_t *iter; /* Iterate elements */ for(iter = lub_list__get_head(this->nspaces); iter; iter = lub_list_node__get_next(iter)) { clish_nspace_clean_proxy((clish_nspace_t *)lub_list_node__get_data(iter)); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ int clish_view_insert_hotkey(const clish_view_t *this, const char *key, const char *cmd) { return clish_hotkeyv_insert(this->hotkeys, key, cmd); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *clish_view_find_hotkey(const clish_view_t *this, int code) { return clish_hotkeyv_cmd_by_code(this->hotkeys, code); } CLISH_GET(view, lub_list_t *, nspaces); CLISH_GET(view, lub_list_t *, cmds); CLISH_GET(view, lub_list_t *, vars); CLISH_GET_STR(view, name); CLISH_SET_STR_ONCE(view, prompt); CLISH_GET_STR(view, prompt); CLISH_SET_STR(view, access); CLISH_GET_STR(view, access); CLISH_SET(view, unsigned int, depth); CLISH_GET(view, unsigned int, depth); CLISH_SET(view, clish_view_restore_e, restore); CLISH_GET(view, clish_view_restore_e, restore);