#include #include #include #include #include "private.h" <<<<<<< HEAD char *scripts_path = NULL; ======= >>>>>>> b9e9072034ce6f652f230161cea580b52cf5a9b9 static bool_t load_scripts(lua_State *L, char *path) { struct dirent *entry; DIR *dir = opendir(path); bool_t result = BOOL_FALSE; int res = 0; const char *ext_lua = ".lua"; const char *ext_bin = ".bin"; if (!dir) { printf("%s: Failed to open '%s' directory\n", __func__, path); return BOOL_FALSE; } for (entry = readdir(dir); entry; entry = readdir(dir)) { const char *extension = strrchr(entry->d_name, '.'); /* check the filename */ if ((extension) && ((!strcmp(ext_lua, extension)) || (!strcmp(ext_bin, extension)))) { char *filename = NULL; lub_string_cat(&filename, path); lub_string_cat(&filename, "/"); lub_string_cat(&filename, entry->d_name); result = BOOL_FALSE; if ((res = luaL_loadfile(L, filename))) { l_print_error(L, __func__, "load", res); } else if ((res = lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0))) { l_print_error(L, __func__, "exec", res); } else result = BOOL_TRUE; lub_string_free(filename); /* Shouldn't happen, but we can't be too sure ;-) */ while(lua_gettop(L)) lua_pop(L, 1); if (!result) break; } } closedir(dir); return result; } int clish_plugin_init_lua(clish_shell_t *shell) { lua_State *L = NULL; <<<<<<< HEAD ======= char *scripts_path = getenv("CLISH_SCRIPTS_PATH"); if (!scripts_path) if(!(scripts_path = getenv("CLISH_PATH"))) { printf("%s: Lua scripts dir not specified\n", __func__); return (-1); } >>>>>>> b9e9072034ce6f652f230161cea580b52cf5a9b9 if (!(L = luaL_newstate())) { printf("%s: Failed to instantiate Lua interpreter\n", __func__); return (-1); } luaL_openlibs(L); <<<<<<< HEAD if (scripts_path && !load_scripts(L, scripts_path)) { ======= if (!load_scripts(L, scripts_path)) { >>>>>>> b9e9072034ce6f652f230161cea580b52cf5a9b9 return (-1); } clish_shell__set_udata(shell, LUA_UDATA, L); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, shell); lua_setglobal(L, "clish_shell"); return (0); }