#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "clish/private.h" #include "private.h" #include "lub/types.h" #include "lub/argv.h" #include "lub/string.h" konf_query_t *konf_query_new(void) { konf_query_t *query; if (!(query = malloc(sizeof(*query)))) return NULL; query->op = konf_query_OP_NONE; query->pattern = NULL; query->priority = 0x7f00; query->pwdc = 0; query->pwd = NULL; query->line = NULL; query->path = NULL; query->splitter = BOOL_TRUE; return query; } void konf_query_dump(konf_query_t *query) { switch (query->op) { case konf_query_OP_SET: printf("op=SET\n"); break; case konf_query_OP_UNSET: printf("op=UNSET\n"); break; case konf_query_OP_DUMP: printf("op=DUMP\n"); break; case konf_query_OP_OK: printf("op=OK\n"); break; case konf_query_OP_ERROR: printf("op=ERROR\n"); break; case konf_query_OP_STREAM: printf("op=STREAM\n"); break; default: printf("op=UNKNOWN\n"); break; } printf("pattern=%s\n", query->pattern); printf("priority=%u\n", query->priority); printf("line=%s\n", query->line); printf("path=%s\n", query->path); printf("pwdc=%u\n", query->pwdc); } void konf_query_add_pwd(konf_query_t *query, char *str) { size_t new_size; char **tmp; if (!query) return; new_size = ((query->pwdc + 1) * sizeof(char *)); /* resize the pwd vector */ tmp = realloc(query->pwd, new_size); assert(tmp); query->pwd = tmp; /* insert reference to the pwd component */ query->pwd[query->pwdc++] = lub_string_dup(str); } void konf_query_free(konf_query_t *query) { unsigned i; lub_string_free(query->pattern); lub_string_free(query->line); lub_string_free(query->path); if (query->pwdc > 0) { for (i = 0; i < query->pwdc; i++) lub_string_free(query->pwd[i]); free(query->pwd); } free(query); } /* Parse query */ int konf_query_parse(konf_query_t *query, int argc, char **argv) { unsigned i = 0; int pwdc = 0; static const char *shortopts = "suoedtp:r:l:f:i"; /* static const struct option longopts[] = { {"set", 0, NULL, 's'}, {"unset", 0, NULL, 'u'}, {"ok", 0, NULL, 'o'}, {"error", 0, NULL, 'e'}, {"dump", 0, NULL, 'd'}, {"stream", 0, NULL, 't'}, {"priority", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"pattern", 1, NULL, 'r'}, {"line", 1, NULL, 'l'}, {"file", 1, NULL, 'f'}, {"splitter", 0, NULL, 'i'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; */ optind = 0; while(1) { int opt; /* opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL); */ opt = getopt(argc, argv, shortopts); if (-1 == opt) break; switch (opt) { case 'o': query->op = konf_query_OP_OK; break; case 'e': query->op = konf_query_OP_ERROR; break; case 's': query->op = konf_query_OP_SET; break; case 'u': query->op = konf_query_OP_UNSET; break; case 'd': query->op = konf_query_OP_DUMP; break; case 't': query->op = konf_query_OP_STREAM; break; case 'p': { long val = 0; char *endptr; unsigned short pri; val = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (endptr == optarg) break; if ((val > 0xffff) || (val < 0)) break; pri = (unsigned short)val; query->priority = pri; break; } case 'r': query->pattern = lub_string_dup(optarg); break; case 'l': query->line = lub_string_dup(optarg); break; case 'f': query->path = lub_string_dup(optarg); break; case 'i': query->splitter = BOOL_FALSE; break; default: break; } } /* Check options */ if (konf_query_OP_NONE == query->op) return -1; if (konf_query_OP_SET == query->op) { if (NULL == query->pattern) return -1; if (NULL == query->line) return -1; } if ((pwdc = argc - optind) < 0) return -1; for (i = 0; i < pwdc; i ++) konf_query_add_pwd(query, argv[optind + i]); return 0; } /* Parse query string */ int konf_query_parse_str(konf_query_t *query, char *str) { int res; lub_argv_t *lub_argv; char **str_argv; int str_argc; /* Make args from string */ lub_argv = lub_argv_new(str, 0); str_argv = lub_argv__get_argv(lub_argv, ""); str_argc = lub_argv__get_count(lub_argv) + 1; /* Parse query */ res = konf_query_parse(query, str_argc, str_argv); free(str_argv); lub_argv_delete(lub_argv); return res; } char * konf_query__get_pwd(konf_query_t *query, unsigned index) { if (!query) return NULL; if (index >= query->pwdc) return NULL; return query->pwd[index]; } int konf_query__get_pwdc(konf_query_t *query) { return query->pwdc; } konf_query_op_t konf_query__get_op(konf_query_t *query) { return query->op; } char * konf_query__get_path(konf_query_t *query) { return query->path; } const char * konf_query__get_pattern(konf_query_t *this) { return this->pattern; } const char * konf_query__get_line(konf_query_t *this) { return this->line; } unsigned short konf_query__get_priority(konf_query_t *this) { return this->priority; } bool_t konf_query__get_splitter(konf_query_t *this) { return this->splitter; }