/* * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char *script_mkfifo(void) { char *name = NULL; name = faux_str_sprintf("/tmp/klish.fifo.%u.XXXXXX", getpid()); mktemp(name); if (mkfifo(name, 0600) < 0) { faux_str_free(name); return NULL; } return name; } const char *kcontext_type_e_str[] = { "none", "plugin_init", "plugin_fini", "action", "service_action" }; #define PREFIX "KLISH_" #define OVERWRITE 1 static bool_t populate_env_kpargv(const kpargv_t *pargv, const char *prefix) { const kentry_t *entry = NULL; kpargv_pargs_node_t *iter = NULL; kparg_t *parg = NULL; const kentry_t *saved_entry = NULL; size_t num = 0; if (!pargv) return BOOL_FALSE; // Command entry = kpargv_command(pargv); if (entry) { char *var = faux_str_sprintf("%sCOMMAND", prefix); setenv(var, kentry_name(entry), OVERWRITE); faux_str_free(var); } // Parameters iter = kpargv_pargs_iter(pargv); while ((parg = kpargv_pargs_each(&iter))) { char *var = NULL; const char *value = kparg_value(parg); if (!value) // PTYPE can contain parg with NULL value continue; entry = kparg_entry(parg); if (kentry_max(entry) > 1) { // Multi if (entry == saved_entry) num++; else num = 0; var = faux_str_sprintf("%sPARAM_%s_%u", prefix, kentry_name(entry), num); saved_entry = entry; } else { // Single var = faux_str_sprintf("%sPARAM_%s", prefix, kentry_name(entry)); saved_entry = NULL; num = 0; } setenv(var, value, OVERWRITE); faux_str_free(var); } return BOOL_TRUE; } static bool_t populate_env(kcontext_t *context) { kcontext_type_e type = KCONTEXT_TYPE_NONE; const kentry_t *entry = NULL; const ksession_t *session = NULL; const char *str = NULL; pid_t pid = -1; uid_t uid = -1; assert(context); session = kcontext_session(context); assert(session); // Type type = kcontext_type(context); if (type >= KCONTEXT_TYPE_MAX) type = KCONTEXT_TYPE_NONE; setenv(PREFIX"TYPE", kcontext_type_e_str[type], OVERWRITE); // Candidate entry = kcontext_candidate_entry(context); if (entry) setenv(PREFIX"CANDIDATE", kentry_name(entry), OVERWRITE); // Value str = kcontext_candidate_value(context); if (str) setenv(PREFIX"VALUE", str, OVERWRITE); // PID pid = ksession_pid(session); if (pid != -1) { char *t = faux_str_sprintf("%lld", (long long int)pid); setenv(PREFIX"PID", t, OVERWRITE); faux_str_free(t); } // UID uid = ksession_uid(session); if (uid != -1) { char *t = faux_str_sprintf("%lld", (long long int)uid); setenv(PREFIX"UID", t, OVERWRITE); faux_str_free(t); } // User str = ksession_user(session); if (str) setenv(PREFIX"USER", str, OVERWRITE); // Parameters populate_env_kpargv(kcontext_pargv(context), PREFIX); // Parent parameters populate_env_kpargv(kcontext_parent_pargv(context), PREFIX"PARENT_"); return BOOL_TRUE; } static char *find_out_shebang(const char *script) { char *default_shebang = "/bin/sh"; char *shebang = NULL; char *line = NULL; line = faux_str_getline(script, NULL); if ( !line || (strlen(line) < 2) || (line[0] != '#') || (line[1] != '!') ) { faux_str_free(line); return faux_str_dup(default_shebang); } shebang = faux_str_dup(line + 2); faux_str_free(line); return shebang; } // Execute script int script_script(kcontext_t *context) { const char *script = NULL; pid_t cpid = -1; int res = -1; char *fifo_name = NULL; FILE *wpipe = NULL; char *command = NULL; char *shebang = NULL; script = kcontext_script(context); if (faux_str_is_empty(script)) return 0; // Create FIFO if (!(fifo_name = script_mkfifo())) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Can't create temporary FIFO.\n" "Error: The ACTION will be not executed.\n"); return -1; } // Create process to write to FIFO cpid = fork(); if (cpid == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Can't fork the write process.\n" "Error: The ACTION will be not executed.\n"); unlink(fifo_name); faux_str_free(fifo_name); return -1; } // Child: write to FIFO if (cpid == 0) { wpipe = fopen(fifo_name, "w"); faux_str_free(fifo_name); if (!wpipe) _exit(-1); fwrite(script, strlen(script), 1, wpipe); fflush(wpipe); fclose(wpipe); _exit(0); } // Parent // Populate environment. Put command parameters to env vars. populate_env(context); // Prepare command shebang = find_out_shebang(script); command = faux_str_sprintf("%s %s", shebang, fifo_name); res = system(command); // Wait for the writing process kill(cpid, SIGTERM); while (waitpid(cpid, NULL, 0) != cpid); // Clean up faux_str_free(command); unlink(fifo_name); faux_str_free(fifo_name); faux_str_free(shebang); return WEXITSTATUS(res); }