/* * argv.c */ #include "private.h" #include "lub/string.h" #include #include #include #include /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void lub_argv_init(lub_argv_t * this, const char *line, size_t off) { size_t len = 0; const char *word = NULL; lub_arg_t *arg = NULL; bool_t quoted = BOOL_FALSE; const char *str = line + off; // Start on specified offset const char *offset = NULL; this->argv = NULL; this->argc = 0; if (!line) return; /* first of all count the words in the line */ this->argc = lub_string_wordcount(line); if (0 == this->argc) return; /* allocate space to hold the vector */ arg = this->argv = malloc(sizeof(lub_arg_t) * this->argc); assert(arg); /* then fill out the array with the words */ for (word = lub_string_nextword(str, &len, &offset, "ed, NULL); word && (*word != '\0'); word = lub_string_nextword(str, &len, &offset, "ed, NULL)) { (*arg).arg = lub_string_ndecode(word, len); (*arg).offset = offset - line; (*arg).quoted = quoted; str = offset; arg++; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ lub_argv_t *lub_argv_new(const char *line, size_t offset) { lub_argv_t *this; this = malloc(sizeof(lub_argv_t)); if (this) lub_argv_init(this, line, offset); return this; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void lub_argv_add(lub_argv_t * this, const char *text) { lub_arg_t * arg; if (!text) return; /* allocate space to hold the vector */ arg = realloc(this->argv, sizeof(lub_arg_t) * (this->argc + 1)); assert(arg); this->argv = arg; (this->argv[this->argc++]).arg = strdup(text); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void lub_argv_fini(lub_argv_t * this) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < this->argc; i++) free(this->argv[i].arg); free(this->argv); this->argv = NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void lub_argv_delete(lub_argv_t * this) { lub_argv_fini(this); free(this); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *lub_argv__get_line(const lub_argv_t * this) { int space = 0; const char *p; unsigned i; char *line = NULL; for (i = 0; i < this->argc; i++) { if (i != 0) lub_string_cat(&line, " "); space = 0; /* Search for spaces */ for (p = this->argv[i].arg; *p; p++) { if (isspace(*p)) { space = 1; break; } } if (space) lub_string_cat(&line, "\""); lub_string_cat(&line, this->argv[i].arg); if (space) lub_string_cat(&line, "\""); } return line; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char **lub_argv__get_argv(const lub_argv_t * this, const char *argv0) { char **result = NULL; unsigned i; unsigned a = 0; if (argv0) a = 1; result = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (this->argc + 1 + a)); if (argv0) result[0] = strdup(argv0); for (i = 0; i < this->argc; i++) result[i + a] = strdup(this->argv[i].arg); result[i + a] = NULL; return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void lub_argv__free_argv(char **argv) { unsigned i; if (!argv) return; for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++) free(argv[i]); free(argv); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *lub_argv__get_arg(const lub_argv_t *this, unsigned int index) { const char *result = NULL; if (!this) return NULL; if (this->argc > index) result = this->argv[index].arg; return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ unsigned lub_argv__get_count(const lub_argv_t * this) { return this->argc; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ size_t lub_argv__get_offset(const lub_argv_t * this, unsigned index) { size_t result = 0; if (this->argc > index) result = this->argv[index].offset; return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ bool_t lub_argv__get_quoted(const lub_argv_t * this, unsigned index) { bool_t result = BOOL_FALSE; if (this->argc > index) result = this->argv[index].quoted; return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */