/* * shell_var.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lub/string.h" #include "lub/conv.h" #include "private.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * search the current viewid string for a variable */ void clish_shell__expand_viewid(const char *viewid, lub_bintree_t *tree, clish_context_t *context) { char *expanded; char *q; char *saveptr = NULL; expanded = clish_shell_expand(viewid, SHELL_VAR_NONE, context); if (!expanded) return; for (q = strtok_r(expanded, ";", &saveptr); q; q = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &saveptr)) { char *value; clish_var_t *var; value = strchr(q, '='); if (!value) continue; *value = '\0'; value++; /* Create var instance */ var = clish_var_new(q); lub_bintree_insert(tree, var); clish_var__set_value(var, value); } lub_string_free(expanded); } /*----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * expand context dependent fixed-name variables */ static char *find_context_var(const char *name, clish_context_t *this) { char *result = NULL; clish_shell_t *shell = this->shell; if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_width")) { char tmp[5]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%u", tinyrl__get_width(shell->tinyrl)); tmp[sizeof(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; result = strdup(tmp); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_height")) { char tmp[5]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%u", tinyrl__get_height(shell->tinyrl)); tmp[sizeof(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; result = strdup(tmp); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_watchdog_timeout")) { char tmp[5]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%u", shell->wdog_timeout); tmp[sizeof(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; result = strdup(tmp); } else if (!this->cmd) { /* The vars dependent on command */ return NULL; } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_full_cmd")) { result = lub_string_dup(clish_command__get_name(this->cmd)); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_cmd")) { result = lub_string_dup(clish_command__get_name( clish_command__get_cmd(this->cmd))); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_orig_cmd")) { result = lub_string_dup(clish_command__get_name( clish_command__get_orig(this->cmd))); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_line")) { result = clish_shell__get_line(this); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_full_line")) { result = clish_shell__get_full_line(this); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_params")) { if (this->pargv) result = clish_shell__get_params(this); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_interactive")) { if (clish_shell__get_interactive(this->shell) && tinyrl__get_isatty(this->shell->tinyrl)) result = strdup("1"); else result = strdup("0"); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_isatty")) { if (tinyrl__get_isatty(this->shell->tinyrl)) result = strdup("1"); else result = strdup("0"); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_machine_interface")) { if (clish_shell_is_machine_interface(this->shell)) result = strdup("1"); else result = strdup("0"); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_pid")) { char tmp[10]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%u", getpid()); tmp[sizeof(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; result = strdup(tmp); } else if (lub_string_nocasestr(name, "_prefix") == name) { unsigned int idx = 0; unsigned int pnum = 0; pnum = lub_string_wordcount(clish_command__get_name(this->cmd)) - lub_string_wordcount(clish_command__get_name( clish_command__get_cmd(this->cmd))); lub_conv_atoui(name + strlen("_prefix"), &idx, 0); if (idx < pnum) { lub_argv_t *argv = lub_argv_new( clish_command__get_name(this->cmd), 0); result = lub_string_dup(lub_argv__get_arg(argv, idx)); lub_argv_delete(argv); } } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_cur_depth")) { char tmp[10]; int depth = clish_shell__get_depth(shell); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%u", depth); tmp[sizeof(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; result = strdup(tmp); } else if (!lub_string_nocasecmp(name, "_cur_pwd")) { int depth = clish_shell__get_depth(shell); result = clish_shell__get_pwd_full(shell, depth); } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *find_var(const char *name, lub_bintree_t *tree, clish_context_t *context) { clish_var_t *var = lub_bintree_find(tree, name); const char *value; bool_t dynamic; char *res = NULL; if (!var) return NULL; /* Try to get saved value for static var */ dynamic = clish_var__get_dynamic(var); if (!dynamic) { const char *saved = clish_var__get_saved(var); if (saved) return lub_string_dup(saved); } /* Try to expand value field */ value = clish_var__get_value(var); if (value) res = clish_shell_expand(value, SHELL_VAR_NONE, context); /* Try to execute ACTION */ if (!res) { char *out = NULL; clish_context_t ctx; clish_context_dup(&ctx, context); clish_context__set_action(&ctx, clish_var__get_action(var)); if (clish_shell_exec_action(&ctx, &out)) { lub_string_free(out); return NULL; } res = out; } /* Save value for static var */ if (!dynamic && res) clish_var__set_saved(var, res); return res; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *find_global_var(const char *name, clish_context_t *context) { clish_shell_t *shell = clish_context__get_shell(context); return find_var(name, &shell->var_tree, context); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *find_viewid_var(const char *name, clish_context_t *context) { clish_shell_t *shell = clish_context__get_shell(context); int depth = clish_shell__get_depth(shell); if (depth < 0) return NULL; return find_var(name, &shell->pwdv[depth]->viewid, context); } static char * chardiff(const char *syms, const char *minus) { char *dst = malloc(strlen(syms) + 1); char *p = dst; const char *src; for (src = syms; *src; src++) { if (!strchr(minus, *src)) *(p++) = *src; } *p = '\0'; return dst; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * return the next segment of text from the provided string * segments are delimited by variables within the string. */ static char *expand_nextsegment(const char **string, const char *escape_chars, clish_context_t *this) { const char *p = *string; char *result = NULL; size_t len = 0; if (!p) return NULL; if (*p && (p[0] == '$') && (p[1] == '{')) { /* start of a variable */ const char *tmp; p += 2; tmp = p; /* * find the end of the variable */ while (*p && p++[0] != '}') len++; /* ignore non-terminated variables */ if (p[-1] == '}') { bool_t valid = BOOL_FALSE; char *text, *q; char *saveptr = NULL; /* get the variable text */ text = lub_string_dupn(tmp, len); /* * tokenise this INTO ':' separated words * and either expand or duplicate into the result string. * Only return a result if at least * of the words is an expandable variable */ for (q = strtok_r(text, ":", &saveptr); q; q = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &saveptr)) { char *var; int mod_quote = 0; /* quote modifier */ int mod_esc = 0; /* internal escape modifier */ int mod_esc_chars = 1; /* escaping */ int mod_esc_dec = 0; /* remove internal chars from escaping */ char *space; char *all_esc = NULL; /* Search for modifiers */ while (*q && !isalpha(*q)) { if ('#' == *q) { mod_quote = 1; mod_esc = 1; } else if ('\\' == *q) { mod_esc = 1; } else if ('!' == *q) { mod_quote = 1; mod_esc = 1; mod_esc_chars = 0; } else if ('~' == *q) { mod_esc = 1; mod_esc_chars = 0; /* Internal automatic variable like ${__line} */ } else if (('_' == *q) && ('_' == *(q+1))) { mod_esc_dec = 1; q++; break; /* No escaping at all. Usefull for macros VAR */ } else if ('^' == *q) { mod_quote = 0; mod_esc = 0; mod_esc_chars = 0; } else break; q++; } /* Get clean variable value */ var = clish_shell_expand_var(q, this); if (!var) { lub_string_cat(&result, q); continue; } valid = BOOL_TRUE; /* Quoting */ if (mod_quote) space = strchr(var, ' '); if (mod_quote && space) lub_string_cat(&result, "\""); /* Escape special chars */ if (escape_chars && mod_esc_chars) { /* Remove internal esc from escape chars */ if (mod_esc_dec) all_esc = chardiff(escape_chars, lub_string_esc_quoted); else all_esc = lub_string_dup(escape_chars); } /* Internal escaping */ if (mod_esc) lub_string_cat(&all_esc, lub_string_esc_quoted); /* Real escaping */ if (all_esc) { char *tstr = lub_string_encode(var, all_esc); lub_string_free(var); var = tstr; lub_string_free(all_esc); } /* copy the expansion or the raw word */ lub_string_cat(&result, var); /* Quoting */ if (mod_quote && space) lub_string_cat(&result, "\""); lub_string_free(var); } if (!valid) { /* not a valid variable expansion */ lub_string_free(result); result = lub_string_dup(""); } /* finished with the variable text */ lub_string_free(text); } } else { /* find the start of a variable */ while (*p) { if ((p[0] == '$') && (p[1] == '{')) break; len++; p++; } if (len > 0) result = lub_string_dupn(*string, len); } /* move the string pointer on for next time... */ *string = p; return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * This function builds a dynamic string based on that provided * subtituting each occurance of a "${FRED}" type variable sub-string * with the appropriate value. */ char *clish_shell_expand(const char *str, clish_shell_var_e vtype, clish_context_t *context) { char *seg, *result = NULL; const char *escape_chars = NULL; const clish_command_t *cmd = clish_context__get_cmd(context); /* Escape special characters */ if (SHELL_VAR_REGEX == vtype) { if (cmd) escape_chars = clish_command__get_regex_chars(cmd); if (!escape_chars) escape_chars = lub_string_esc_regex; } else if (SHELL_VAR_ACTION == vtype) { if (cmd) escape_chars = clish_command__get_escape_chars(cmd); if (!escape_chars) escape_chars = lub_string_esc_default; } /* read each segment and extend the result */ while ((seg = expand_nextsegment(&str, escape_chars, context))) { lub_string_cat(&result, seg); lub_string_free(seg); } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell__get_params(clish_context_t *context) { clish_pargv_t *pargv = clish_context__get_pargv(context); char *line = NULL; unsigned i, cnt; const clish_param_t *param; const clish_parg_t *parg; char *request = NULL; if (!pargv) return NULL; cnt = clish_pargv__get_count(pargv); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { param = clish_pargv__get_param(pargv, i); if (clish_param__get_hidden(param)) continue; parg = clish_pargv__get_parg(pargv, i); if (request) lub_string_cat(&request, " "); lub_string_cat(&request, "${!"); lub_string_cat(&request, clish_parg__get_name(parg)); lub_string_cat(&request, "}"); } line = clish_shell_expand(request, SHELL_VAR_NONE, context); lub_string_free(request); return line; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *internal_get_line(clish_context_t *context, int cmd_type) { const clish_command_t *cmd = clish_context__get_cmd(context); clish_pargv_t *pargv = clish_context__get_pargv(context); char *line = NULL; char *params = NULL; if (0 == cmd_type) /* __cmd */ lub_string_cat(&line, clish_command__get_name( clish_command__get_cmd(cmd))); else /* __full_cmd */ lub_string_cat(&line, clish_command__get_name(cmd)); if (!pargv) return line; params = clish_shell__get_params(context); if (params) { lub_string_cat(&line, " "); lub_string_cat(&line, params); } lub_string_free(params); return line; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell__get_line(clish_context_t *context) { return internal_get_line(context, 0); /* __cmd */ } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell__get_full_line(clish_context_t *context) { return internal_get_line(context, 1); /* __full_cmd */ } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell_expand_var(const char *name, clish_context_t *context) { return clish_shell_expand_var_ex(name, context, SHELL_EXPAND_ALL); } /*----------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell_expand_var_ex(const char *name, clish_context_t *context, clish_shell_expand_e flags) { clish_shell_t *this; const clish_command_t *cmd; clish_pargv_t *pargv; const char *tmp = NULL; char *string = NULL; assert(name); if (!context) return NULL; this = clish_context__get_shell(context); cmd = clish_context__get_cmd(context); pargv = clish_context__get_pargv(context); /* try and substitute a parameter value */ if (pargv && (flags & SHELL_EXPAND_PARAM)) { tmp = clish_pargv_find_value(pargv, name); } /* try and substitute the param's default */ if (!tmp && cmd && (flags & SHELL_EXPAND_PARAM)) tmp = clish_paramv_find_default( clish_command__get_paramv(cmd), name); /* try and substitute a viewId variable */ if (!tmp && this && (flags & SHELL_EXPAND_VIEW)) tmp = string = find_viewid_var(name, context); /* try and substitute context fixed variable */ if (!tmp && (flags & SHELL_EXPAND_CONTEXT)) tmp = string = find_context_var(name, context); /* try and substitute a global var value */ if (!tmp && this && (flags & SHELL_EXPAND_VAR)) tmp = string = find_global_var(name, context); /* get the contents of an environment variable */ if (!tmp && (flags & SHELL_EXPAND_ENV)) tmp = getenv(name); if (string) return string; return lub_string_dup(tmp); } /*----------------------------------------------------------- */